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"Cyberbullying is definitely no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful to someone, as saying it directly to their face." The counselor was saying and Eli was sitting next to Scout as usual, who had her hair that was covering the scar under her eye, and her face in general at the moment as Demetri sat on her other side.

"Now, today I'm not going to name names, but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was in hysterics and crying after some kids online had been making fun of his big facial deformity."

The counselor was saying and Eli buried his head into the shoulder that was nearest in embarrassment and an lot of horror, which was Scout's, who glared rather furiously at the school's counselor.

"It's the kid right there."

"It's the kid with the weird lip."

Scout's chair was pushed back with a screech as she stood up, and the quiet whispers stopped abruptly, as now the suffocating silence was suffocatin' them all with fear rather than bullyin' and other shit.

Eli covered his lip and Scout yanked her chair back to the table and sits on it, as the counselor continues to drone on apparently ignoring her nonverbal outburst entirely.

Demetri lowered his eyes slightly away in shame, as Scout squeezed Eli's other hand. "Hey, it's nothing to be ashamed of." She murmured very quietly.

"But today, our goal here is to make this school, a safe space, for all of the students in attendance here."

"And what about the criminal?" Kyler shouted and everybody went crazy in panic, as he stood up to shout it, and a growl came from Scout, and she let go of Eli's hand at once, worried, that she would crush it by accident.

"If you're sick of getting bullied, my karate dojo is looking for new recruits and some experienced ones." Miguel's eyes were concerned as he murmured to them all.

"Yeah, right. You hear all that, Eli? A little karate training and you're gonna kick some major ass." Demetri said, as Eli coughed quietly and Demetri looks at Scout, who was looking silently and painfully silent at Demetri. "I-I did not mean it like that, Scout, you know this is my defense..." Scout just shrugs and Demetri knew that his word, however unintentionally he had cut really deep into her confidence this time around.

"I'm serious, Demetri." Miguel said seriously, as Eli looked over at Scout and she had dropped her head to look at the table, where she was scratching her initials into the table with a knife.

"My sensei is the real deal, Demetri and I'm sure that I could get you both discounts." Miguel offered.

"As enticing as that sounds, I think that we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Cruicible Control, rather than getting hit in the face." Demetri said at the response, as Eli was back to trying to break through Scout's outer shell, it was as hard as steel sometimes.

"Oh and one last thing..." The counselor was somehow still talking non-stop, and Scout was rubbing her temples, gettin' a headache from all of the stuff going on. While we are all at this time looking forward to our great Halloween dance, let's make sure that our costumes are culture-sensitive. At least for an example. Instead of 'sexy nurse', maybe try 'gender-neutral hospital employee'." The counselor said and Scout slammed her head into the table hard.

At the Halloween Dance, Scout was dressed up as a werewolf, complete with fur, messed up hair and fangs, as well as claws that she had made all by herself which took her three weeks in total for her entire costume, so that it was to be made.

"Oh, skeleton. Classic." Demetri said and he was dressed up as a wizard as Miguel said, but it was a Necromancer that was the actual term.

While Eli was dressed up as a plastic surgeon who fixed lips and he wore a mask, which he seemed happy about.

"I'm gonna go talk to Aisha, I'll be right back. Don't get yourselves run over, please." She said and nudged all of them, before she began shoving her way through the crowd and found her by the food table.

"Hey Aisha. Badass sodium, I see." She said, and Aisha nods at her as she was continuing to eat. "I'm guessin' that it was Sam, who was supposed to be the other half of it?" She asked, and Aisha sighed.

"Yes, she was supposed to be Chloride." She mumbled and Scout scoffed at her words.

"Aisha, if you had told me two days ago, I would have gladly been other half of your costume. This could have been my one for next year, why didn't you reach out?" She asked and Aisha's eyes were guilty, and Scout realized at once what the reason was for it.

"The video I posted and livestreamed to all of my accounts." Aisha nodded a bit apologetically and Scout shook her head. "Whatever. It was still great to see you, my friend." She said quietly, as a tear rolled down her cheek as she made her way back to the boys.

A week later at school, they were all in the library and Kyler and his gang had showed up.

"Look at this freak." Kyler said, holding up Eli's chin and Scout steps forward quickly.

"Let go of him, Kyler. Unless you are wanting to get your ass handed to you in the library this time around. By me, again." Scout said coldly, as Kyler was glaring at her, and he dropped Eli in a bout of disgust.

Scout jerked her head at Eli, who stepped back quickly to stand behind her a bit. "Back off Kyler and you stay away from our group, or, I will break your jaw again." She said coldly and a low growl came from Kyler, who said nothing in response as they walk out.

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