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It was the first day of school and Scout's hands were shaking, as she got ready for school.

She didn't bother with any makeup or anything, since the scar under her eye never bothers her anymore anyway, since she had learned to by now, she ignores it.

She walked downstairs with a backpack over her shoulder and sighed quietly at the 'oh so normal', normal family life that awaited her now.

Sam was sitting at the table and eating her food in silence, as she was also texting under the table.

Scout shakes her head and Daniel smiled at her. "Hey kiddo, you want some food?" He asked and she made a conscious effort to smile back, as she tries to remind herself that he was her father, not her warden.

"Sure, thanks... Dad." The last word came out kind of awkwardly, and she peeked around him, and found a full pot of black coffee that appeared to be freshly brewed.

She pulled a huge mug out from the top shelf, and she poured a bunch of the freshly brewed coffee into it and a surprised look was on the faces of her parents.

"Do you want milk, cream or anything?..." Daniel just let his words trail off, as Scout was drinkin' straight black coffee and she sits down at their family table.

"You shouldn't text at the table." She mumbled to Sam, who scoffed louder at her words, and not even attempting at all to hide her disdain.

"Yeah, and you shouldn't have gotten yourself thrown into Juvie for the two nerds that were here last night." Sam knew what worked on her sister and her voice was deliberately cold now, a bit too far, as she waits for a reaction from her twin.

"Well, at least I don't verbally attack people. I just protect the good people, from people like you. Dad, I'm sorry, I don't think I am hungry anymore. Can I take the car to school?" She asks and a chuckle came from Amanda, whose keys were tossed gently through air to her daughter.

Scout caught them and walked out of the house, holdin' the mug of coffee in her other hand.

She turned the keys in the ignition and the engine rumbled to life, as she buckled up, backs out of the driveway and drives off towards the school.

She parked and the engine cut off smoothly, as she got out and she walks into the school and immediately in the lobby, every single person started to whisper and she said nothin' in any sort of response to it.

She made her way through the hallway to see Eli and Demetri, who were the only ones, who appeared to actually be glad to see her around the school again.

Eli smiled very slightly at her, but it disappeared, once he saw that Kyler and his asshole goons were following him.

Scout turned her head slightly and she looked at her friends, who got the messages from her eyes. She turned around fully and she stepped rather smoothly in front of them, her eyes at once cold and emotionless.

"Hey, look! It's Lip, Nerd and... it's criminal-streak LaRusso!" One of the goons' voices went higher, at the facts that clearly saw the person now, who had been able to beat them all at once with no injuries on her person.

"Yeah, it's me. Do we have another problem here?" She asked coldly and a low growl came from Kyler, and the group walks away from them all, and two sighs of relief, came from the two boys behind Scout.

"It's the first day of school. Have they already beat you up?" Scout asked, as she looked at them, spotting a bit of a fading bruise under Eli's eye.

"No. This one was just from me running into a wall." He said and she shook her head quietly and opens her locker, and, found a bunch of manure in it.

She let it all fall out of her locker and she looks down the hallway and Kyler was laughin' his face off and Sam was looking down the hallway at her sister and looking almost sympathetically at her and yet, she was still goo-goo eyes for Kyler.

Scout eventually just gave up on cleaning out her locker. She slammed it shut, and walks quick after Demetri and Eli.

They made their way into English class and every person turned their heads away from Scout without any sort of apology or anything.

It was so bad, that even as she entered, the teacher turned away from them, after acknowledging the two boys that walked into the rooms with her.

Eli looked back at her and nods slightly towards the back of the class and there was three empty desks and Scout follows him and Demetri, really quickly.

Scout sits down quickly in between the two boys and she lowers her head to rest on her hands, that were resting flat on the desk in front of her.

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