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"You guys can joke about the Wheel technique all you want, but it saved our asses in the crap-shoot." Scout's voice carried much louder, than she would have expected, as she walked into Miyagi-Do with Asher beside her, and he was sinkin' his teeth into a bag of burgers.

"Good! Get some food into you, so your ribs aren't showing anymore." It sounded like Sam approved, which at the moment, had Scout's eyebrows at her raised.

Asher and Scout walked forward to hopefully stop the fight, as they saw it was Cobra Kai going after Demetri in the middle of a busy mall.

"Hey!" Hawk stopped at the familiar voice, as Scout stepped directly into a fighting stance, in the middle of their group. "Leave him be, Eli. Enlighten me this, what did he do?" She asks, as the other four looked to Hawk, whose eyes were flashing quickly.

"He badmouthed Cobra Kai, he badmouthed us and our Sensei, it is the height of disrespect. You need to get out of the way, now." Hawk's eyes were attempting to burn holes into his former best friend's as she stares right back at him evenly.

"Fat chance, asshole. She is not the only one ready to defend a friend in need. You're the one who needs to get out of the way. Our way." Asher said to him as he hid his anger well, but there was some surfacing a little.

"Who the fuck is this joker? Let's just go and take them both. Both, him and his girlfriend down Hawk. Come on!"

Mitch was snapping at him and Hawk's eyes flared sharply, catching sight of the tattoo that was just barely peeking out over his jacket.

"So this is the Serpent King? You're just skin and bones. How the fuck are you still standing?" Hawk asked, with a very much mockin' tone in his voice and Asher shrugged his shoulders.

"Call it genetics, dipshit." He said calmly, not reacting to the insult as the others had expected him to, and only then, did, both Sam and Robby show up together.

Hawk scoffed and he put his fingers into his mouth, and whistled sharply to signal something. Five more Cobra Kai students, they melted out of their crowded area and Asher looked over at Scout, as he shakes out his arms.

"Ten against five? More like four and a half." Hawk taunted, and looks over directly at Demetri when he did. The fight started and the other five who'd shown up, charged directly for Asher and Scout.

They attacked quickly only in defense, as they tried to keep their friend Demetri, out of harm's ways and Asher intercepts Hawk in midair with a flying kick, and sent the young teenager, tumbling across the ground unconscious and out cold onto the ground.

"Nice kick." Scout murmured to Asher, who was walking back over to them with a small shrug.

"There wasn't a fucking chance in all hell that I was going to let him of all of the people, get away with calling me a bunch of skin and bones." Asher said a bit quietly, as they all walked out of the mall.

Despite Daniel's initial objections to the pairing, Asher had been sleeping on Scout's floor on the air mattress in her room for much, much longer than her father's knowledge now extended to.

Asher was surprisingly enough now, he was watching a tv show on Scout's laptop, since she was lying half on the floor now, watching it with him.

"You are seriously watching Game of Thrones? You better not start talkin' it with Demetri, trust me. It'll take hours to shut him up." She mumbled, and he chuckled a little, and she was bundled up in every blanket she had around in her room.

"Cold?" He asked and she looked at him, with a look that was as fierce as a tiger. "Alright, dumb question. Even I knew that." He murmured and she'd move over, and his arms went around her gently.

"Thanks." He raised his eyebrows at her words, lookin' down at her, as she appeared to be halfway to sleep. "For being around whenever I needed it."

Asher chuckled a little bit. "Same thing could be said for you." He said quietly, as she leaned against him and fell asleep swiftly after.

Scout pulled up to Miyagi-Do and almost crashed into one of the other cars in shock, as the entire place was a wreck.

Asher was in the passenger seat and they both got out, running toward the main dojo.

Scout walked into the dojo and she sobbed, clamping her hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle it. Asher hugged her at once, as she buried her head into his shirt in an weak attempt to avoid the sight.

"They-- they even took Mr. Miyagi's Medal of Honor." Daniel whispered to the room at large, as they all walk out at Sam's cry of worry.

The banana boat was now spray-painted with the words 'Cobra Kai NEVER DIES' and at the words, it was Asher's eyes that were blazing in fury.

"Ash?" Scout quietly whispered to him, having felt his muscles tensing up in a furious rage.

"This is my father. This influence, it isn't just Johnny Lawrence. It just has to be my father." He whispered and as it were, she leans against him, in a bit of a quiet silence.

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