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Scout and Asher left their helmets in Sam's car next to the bike while Asher kept the key with him at all times, and this time, even Scout didn't dare to be the one to grab the keys.

"Are you drinking?" Scout asked him quietly and Asher shrugged a little bit at her. "I only ask you, because I don't want us to both be drunk, and neither of us could drive." She said, as he was looking around, very carefully at their party scene around them.

"You can have a couple, if you really want to. But promise me that you are not going to be completely inebriated, on the ride home." Asher said and she looked at him, as she reached out and grabbed his hand in hers. He looks at their hands in surprise, as she shrugs a little.

"What? It will definitely keep the weird girls off of you and the guys away from me... hopefully." She said and he shrugged a little, as they both caught up to Sam and the others going into the house.

They stopped dead at the sight of Cobra Kai students sitting there, and when Hawk's eyes hit Scout's, she saw jealousy flashing through his eyes and she read his body language quickly at once, with practiced ease.

It was clear that he was jealous at the moment... but jealous of whom, was a good question in desperate need of an answer.

Asher caught the stare clearly that Hawk was shooting at Scout, and he raised his eyebrows at Hawk, whose head snapped around to look at him, instead. "Ash, what are you doing?" It was barely a whisper, but, Asher was a surprisingly good listener.

"Facing down a rabid dog." He said and Hawk of them both, was the first one to look away.

Sam inhaled sharply and both Asher and Scout turned away from Hawk, as Scout felt Asher stiffen up next to her.

"What are you doing here?" Tory's voice snapped and Asher rolled his eyes at her.

"Here with Miyagi-Do, obviously. I see, Tory, that you joined up with the wrong side... again. Very clearly, you don't even remember how that ended before." Asher said, surprisingly calm considerin' that now his muscles were stiffening like steel rods were put into his arms and his legs.

"You're nothing but skin and bones now, Asher Kreese. In ten years when you die of starvation in your pathetic shit of an apartment, no one is gonna remember you." Tory said coldly, and Scout growled, causing everybody to look around to see who had done it to her. "Who the fucking hell was that?"

"Me. The person who is never gonna be going back on her promise, to be a person to remember the person, that you just insulted. You are going to get your ass kicked for that, Tory. Cobra Kai may never die, but the Serpents and Miyagi-Do, never forget." She said and the crowd oohed, as Tory stepped forward and so did Scout, and the two of them faced off. "What are you gonna do about it, you whiny little bitch?" Scout asked and Tory's eyes darkened with anger.

"Chill, you two!" Moon's voice interrupted the tension-filled standoff between the two girl powerhouse and Scout rolled her eyes, as she walks out to the backyard, where Asher handed a drink to her and had one of his own in hand.

"You are drinking after all?" Scout asked, gladly taking the beer and he sighed, sitting down next to her, and he looked around quickly. "Because of Tory?" She murmured, and he nodded a little.

"Yeah." He said and put the beer bottle up to his mouth and tipped it back, swallowing it all in one go, and Scout raised her eyebrows at him. "It was a trick I picked up in Juvie." He'd quietly say and she leans her head on his shoulder, and he moved his arm around hers, as the party went all out and way too insane around them.

They heard someone chanting for people to drink and Asher looked at Scout, as they both got up and it was Tory, the reigning champ, going up to the stool against... "Sam?" Scout snaps in shock, yet Sam didn't fall over. "I'm not seeing this... Ash am I really seein' this, or am I, a total lightweight?" She asked and Asher shakes his head.

"Sorry Scout, you're seeing this for real. After all, you have only had one beer." He said, and she shrugged a bit at him.

"Hey, Scouty! How is your face doing down there? From up here, you look a bit like a girly scout." Tory said and at her words, Scout lunged at her, but as soon as she tried, Asher's arms were around her, and he yanked her away from Tory.

Asher managed to get Scout into Moon's kitchen and Scout was shakin' hard. "Hey, you okay?" He asked as he reached out his hand, and, checks her temperature. "Your temperature is through the roof." He said and she'd shake her head.

"It's all the drinking. You left me alone, for ten minutes and I had ten beers, sixteen shots and then the beer that you got me." Scout admitted, and Asher sighed.

"You want to go then? I have a real bad feeling, that says that the police might show up for this." Asher said, as she looked at him, standing up rather steady on her feet, for someone whom had consumed so much alcohol.

"My parents cannot ever see me like this, and especially not now." She said and Asher nods a little, thinking for at least a second or two.

"We can head to mine. It's not the greatest apartment in the world, but there's a heater, air conditioning and a fridge. Also a toilet, that I could not care any less about if you throw up in it." Asher said and she smiled a little bit.

"All right. Lead the way, since I am definitely not the most steady of all people, at the moment right now." She said and he grabbed her hand, as they went outside and Asher swiftly drives, the motorcycle away.

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