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Scout was lying on her bed and she had her guitar lying next to her on the bed and she felt tears rollin' down her cheeks and she pulled her laptop over to her.

She quickly opened up her phone as well and she sent off a couple of texts and waited silently, wiping tears off of her face in a deadly silence.

Barely 5 minutes later, the doorbell rang and two sets of footsteps race up to her room, and she opened the door to see Demetri and Eli, who looked at her with excitement in their eyes.

"All right, you guys know the drill, or at least I hope you do by now. D, your camera-man, as usual. Eli, set up your tech business please. I am still, getting used to bein' able to use all of this and not having to ask permission for it." A slight redness was around her ears, as the boys chuckled.

"That is why, today and always, that is why we are here, remember? We're at least being useful here." Eli said, as he set up the computer and stuff, while it fell to Demetri to set up the cameras.

Scout was meticulously tuning her guitar once again, and a knock came at the door. Eli opens it at a nod from Scout, and Daniel came into the room with drinks and food.

"Thanks Dad." Scout murmured with a small smile.

"Thanks Mr. LaRusso!"

"Thanks Mr. LaRusso!"

The two boys said in unison, as Demetri and Eli were while being careful around the equipment, were very eagerly swallowing the food.

Daniel smiled at all of them and turned to Scout, who raises a eyebrow with a sandwich shoved into her mouth and her cheeks looked like a chipmunk's. He smirked a little and shakes his head.

"Don't choke on that." He said and Scout nodded with a thumbs-up and he walks out of the room, laughing as he did.

Scout swallowed half of her mustard and baloney sandwich in one bite and the boys raised their eyebrows at her.

"Wha?" She asked, the other half of her sandwich now shoved in, as she was chewing and trying to swallow it as fast as she could, as the boys were a bunch of giggles.

After the boys had finished their own food, and had both regained the quite necessary composure for what they're about to do, Scout held the guitar.

"Three, two... go." Demetri whispered and the red light on the camera beeps and glowed.

"Hey guys, it's been a long time since my last update and some of you... you might not know why. So, I decided to help you guys understand." Scout said and looked at the camera, as the live stream was going live all over her Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and her YouTube channel as well. Every platform that she had, everybody was seeing it.

"Two years ago, I was a normal kid who had only used my karate training for self-defense of myself, and no one else, since I thought that I should just keep to myself. But I met a couple of kids, who were outsiders of sorts, just like me. I wasn't too keen to talk to any people, because that just wasn't how I was. In fact, it still isn't. Many of you know me only as the music girl, a person who could sing on stage for one hour or 9, it wouldn't matter. But I have two friends who changed that all for me, five years ago. Two years ago, is when everything changed. The bullies were coming around, and they made the mistakes of coming after me and, coming after my friends."

Demetri and Eli behind the cameras both gave her thumbs-up and she was faltering slightly, but she clenched her jaw and continued.

"There were ten bullies in all, all guys and most of them taller than me. For a time, I thought that they might be able to beat me. I took on all of their stupid and sorry asses, and defeated them all just before someone in the cafeteria a coward, they called the police." Scout said, and her tone was steady now.

"My name, is Scout James LaRusso and I was arrested and convicted for multiple counts of assault, and I have been stuck in an detention center for the last two years." Scout said and the room was silent, but the likes were all going up on her accounts everywhere.

"I thought of this song whenever I needed some strength and I thought that I could and should share it, with all of you guys. As always, I don't own this song. It was written by Rascal Flatts, an amazing country artist." She said and smiled slightly, as Eli tossed a guitar pick to her.

"You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless, like you've lost your fight
But you'll be all right, you'll be all right

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend till you break
'Cause it's all you can take
On your knees, you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, then you stand

Life's like a novel with the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon with only one way down
Take what you're given before it's gone
And start holdin' on, keep holdin' on

'Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend till you break
'Cause it's all you can take
On your knees, you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, yeah, then you stand

Every time you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend till you break
'Cause it's all you can take
On your knees, you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, then you stand

Yeah, then you stand, yeah
Yeah, baby
Woo hoo, woo hoo, woo hoo, woo hoo
Then you stand, yeah, yeah"

Scout lowered her hand and she looked at the camera once again, as tears had began to run down her face at the song lyrics, but to very overdue credit, her voice had never faltered as it was steady.

"I hope that sharing my side of my story and my name as well, helped some of you guys. You are always on my mind and if you guys need anyone to talk to, my phone, email and direct messages are always open." She said and Demetri shut the camera off, and Eli shut off the livestreams on various devices.

They both sat down next to her and Demetri took the guitar and pick, and Scout looked at the followers on her accounts, and they were dropping on all of them.

She sighed quietly and then, her phone began to ring suddenly. She accepted the call.

"Hello?" She asked, steadying her voice at once.

"You're a criminal! You don't deserve to go to my son's school, you bitch!"

The man hung up and Scout dropped her phone onto the bed, as it, already had started to ring off of the hook.

"What have I done?" Scout quietly whispered and the boys both looked at her, not knowing how to help their best friend and their best defender.

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