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Scout was humming under her breath, as she prepared everything and Robby was in the breakroom, half asleep as he usually was, around this time.

Scout got the car into the showroom and walked upstairs to the breakroom and knocked gently on the door. She'd stop herself mid-knock, since Robby's head had hit the table, and he had just gone back to sleep.

Scout smiled and pulled a blanket out of her bag and covered him with it, as she took an alarm clock and set it next to his head, so that he could wake up a bit earlier than necessary and hopefully without her needing to be around wake him up this time.

She walked downstairs and unlocked the doors as her parents walk into the room. "Eli came around earlier. He was concerned about you, convinced that you were scared of what every person was posting. We both just want to make sure, that the reason you want to go for online schooling isn't because of your fear." Amanda said gently and Scout scoffed.

"I'm not scared of it all. I just need a break from it, and if working gives it to me, then I'm willing to take it." She said and the adults look at each other and grins were on their faces, as they opened the doors for business.

Robby had woken up before the alarm had gone off, and he was now helping them all, while Daniel was talking with Scout.

"So, what do you think are the chances of Robby wanting to do karate?" Daniel asked Scout, as she was waxing a couple of cars with the 'wax on, wax off' maneuver and she'd chuckle quietly, thinking about only a few hours ago.

"I think that he could be possibly a little bit interested. He has seen me doing karate, so he just might have just a little bit of interest in doing it with us. Why?" Scout asked and his eyebrows shot up.

"Us? I thought you were done with karate after the incident with Kyler and the others." Daniel asked and at that, Scout accidentally knocked over the can of wax, all over the trade-in car.

"Shit!" Scout cursed under her breath and Daniel, he just shakes his head an little bit, and she was shakin' her head as well. "I'm not done with karate, my entire time in Juvie, I did karate. If I'd given it up... Dad, you would have just seen me come out of there in a body bag." She said coolly and began to fix the waves of wax up as best she could.

"Sorry. I just wasn't..." Daniel began explainin' himself to her, but she just pushed past him, and walked over to Robby.

They quickly spoke for a minute and Robby took the empty can of wax and handed her two new ones, with a new sponge on top of each and she walked away again.

Robby followed her and they were both waxing cars now, since they had between them, total and quite quickly, they managed to finish most of the grunt work beforehand.

"No. It's 'wax on', then you 'wax off' Robby. Come on, man, would you at least try to find the strength that you need to pay attention?" Scout asked, a teasing tone in her voice as she taught him the Miyagi way of waxing cars, or tried to at any rate, since it really now seems like he couldn't be bothered to pay any attention.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked him and even quickly snapping her fingers in front of his eyes, a couple of times.

"Yeah. I mean, a guy has been watching us both together, for like a solid ten minutes." Robby said and he narrowed his eyes in confusion.

Scout looked up from the car and laughed a little bit. "That's just Eli, I mean Hawk. You go on your break, as I go talk to him." She said and he nods a little, as he left the wax and sponges, as he jogged into the main building.

Scout walked over to Eli and raised her eyebrows at him. "Hey Eli, what's up?" She asked, clearly surprised to be seeing him here, of all places.

"It's Hawk now and who the hell is that?" Hawk asked coldly, and Scout looks affronted at his sudden hostility towards Robby, as the two hadn't even met yet.

"His name is Robby Keene and he is just a new employee here. Why're you so upset?" She asks, as he looked over at her car, which was as it usually is now, was sittin' in the staff parking lot with the others.

"You let him drive your car, you let him sleep in your room..." Scout's fists clenched at her sides as her eyes, they both darkened in rage.

"What the hell, Eli? Are you fucking following me now?" She snaps and he looked at her, shaking his head.

"He's a con artist!" He shouted at her and her fist was clenching so hard at her side now, that her knuckles were turning white.

"He's my friend. He is the only one who bothered to get off of his sorry ass and visit me in Juvie." She snaps and he flinched back, as his eyes burn with fury.

"Is there a problem here?" Scout looked over her shoulder to see Robby and Louie standing there with Anoush and Daniel walking over, with Louie being the one that had spoken.

"No, it's nothing Uncle Louie. Hawk, here, was just leaving." Scout said in a venomous tone of voice, and Hawk's glare was burning, as he turned his back and walked away, hands in his pockets.

"You all right?" Louie asked and Scout's hands were shoved into the pockets of her pants, so that she could attempt to hide the fact that they were clearly shaking.

"I'm fine." Scout said sharply and her tone of voice was revertin' back to the cold, freezing tone of someone whose life was a living hell, and knew it.

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