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Scout had been training along with Robby for the past few days, after she heard about his fight against his two former friends, who were sketchy as shit.

"I've got my grandma coming over and I tell you, I'm not looking forward to it at all." She said as they were both sitting at a restaurant on the border between the nicer half and worse half of the Valley.

"You can always make up a good excuse and get out of it. I can think of about twenty good ones, right now, as a matter of fact." Robby said and she'd chuckle a little at his words.

"I appreciate that... but I don't really have much of a choice. Since I haven't seen my Grandma in at least two long years... I don't think I'm getting out of this one." She said and finished up her latte quickly, cracking her neck.

"Hey. Why is there a group of Serpents coming toward us?" Robby asked suddenly and Scout narrowed her eyes in confusion, before she was lookin' at four Serpents, none of them who were Asher.

"What do you want?" She asked calmly and the oldest one snorted a little bit, as she leaned down onto the table.

"You aren't welcome in our territory, no more. You hear me, you rich bitch?" The girl snapped and Scout stood up, motioning for a very confused Robby to stay put.

"I'm gonna have to hear it from the King himself, Barbs, if, I am actually going to believe in any of your crap. I listen to him, not any of you." She said coldly and Barbs spat at her.

"What the hell is this?" Some of the tension in Scout's face, the tension in between her eyes had been relaxed a little bit.

"Uh... Ash, we were just trying to have a little chat with..." Barbs tried to cover her tracks frantically, but the look on Asher's face clearly said, that he wasn't fooled by it, whatsoever.

"Don't try your bullshit with me. Get back to our side of the street, before a person decides that you are up to shit, and then promptly decides, to get all of our sorry asses thrown in jail." He'd snap and, Barbs backed up at the look in his eyes.

"You got it." She stammered and her group raced off after her, not taking a eye off of Asher, who was watchin' all of them run their asses away from the restaurant.

"Thanks Asher." Scout said and her eyes were relieved, as he nodded a bit at her words.

"Yeah, you sure you're okay? What the hell was she saying?" Asher asked and Scout shakes her head.

"Sorry about this Robby." She said as Robby shrugged at her words. "Asher Kreese, meet Robby Keene." She said, and Asher stuck out his hand.

"Sick tattoo, man." Robby said, as he was nodding at Asher's neck tattoo of a Serpent, and Asher chuckled a little bit.

"Thanks. Good to meet you." He said and Robby nodded, and he raised one of his eyebrows at the jacket.

"Are you one of the Serpents, then? I mean, one of those guys?" Robby asks and Asher nods slightly at his words a bit.

"Yeah, you could say it was something... sort of like that." Asher said and Scout punched him hard in the ribs. "Ouch!" Asher complained.

"He's not just a Serpent. He's the Serpent King." Scout stated to Robby for his benefit, also because Asher, he was clearly not going to tell him that particular bit of information.

"Don't you go and start spreading all of that information around town like its candy. Nobody even knows what my last name is... except for you two and Daniel LaRusso. I give an alias or go by Asher or Ash for everythin' else since there is always hell to pay, for a person who knows my name." Asher said and Scout nods a little.

"Same here. Perks of going to the crap-shoot." She said as Asher laughed a little bit. "There it is." She said and a moment later, the three nearest waiters to their table came over with a huge amount of food.

"I seriously owe you this time." Asher mumbled, with his mouth completely stuffed full of burgers and fries.

"Shove the owing shit back up your ass, Asher. You know me better than that and hopefully, so does Robby by now." She said and Robby had left the restaurant already.

"Huh. Well, that's new." She said and shakes her head, and she digs into one of the remaining burgers on the table.

"So, are you entering yourself again into the All-Valley under 18 this year for the third year?" Asher asked, as he finished the fourth burger and shoved the rest into a to-go bag.

"Do you think I should? I mean, I think that they might be opposed to having an actually charged criminal in the main karate tournament of the year." She said and he looks at her, as he sighed.

"You'd be fighting for Miyagi-Do's titles again, right?" He questioned and she nodded. "And you'll win the whole god damn thing, again. Because I know that you will fight like hell for it, because I've seen you fighting for a purpose before. And you don't quit."

Scout smiled and paid for the bill in cash, as they both stood up and they'd walk down the street.

"Miyagi-Do?" Scout asked and Asher's smile was clear and they both went to her car, and drove off quickly.

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