part 7

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ALF cont.

I gave his cock a few strong licks to clean him up of any remaining traces of cum before getting to my feet. I licked my lips, which were probably swollen, enjoying the sweet taste of Jude that lingered on them.

"Was it good?" I asked him innocently, my knees glad that I was no longer leaning on them.

"Good?!" Jude spluttered, "Are you kidding?"

He grabbed my face and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. I couldn't hold back a moan and leaned into the kiss which became more heated. I thought he might not appreciate tasting himself on my lips, but he didn't seem to care because a moment later I felt his tongue plunging into my mouth and wrapping itself around mine. I let out a whimper as he bruised my lips, but it was one of pleasure.

"It was fucking amazing Alf," Jude pulled back to catch his breath, "But you're still in trouble for that stunt you pulled off when the boss was here."

"In trouble?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to act chill despite the fact that Jude's domineering persona was only making me harder.

"Yep," Jude smirked at me and my heart skipped a beat.

He stepped back and, after wiping off his dick with a few tissues he found, he tucked it back into his boxers and slid up his pants. I was slightly sad to see his cock disappear, but I was also now painfully aware of the huge tent in my own pants. Jude took a step towards me and I took a step back. He smirked and took another step forward. When I tried to take another one back, my back banged into the table. He had me cornered and he knew it.

"You're so hard," he smirked, cupping me through my pants and I blushed.

I tried but mostly failed to hold his lustful gaze as he calmly traced the imprint in my pants, sometimes rubbing it slightly and eliciting a muffled gasp or moan from me. He stepped further into my personal space, his hand rubbing down to between my legs.

"Spread your legs baby," Jude said, his voice husky, and I hesitantly obeyed.

He moved forward, bring his knee up to prop my legs open. The feeling of his hard thigh against my boner was too much to bear and I accidentally bucked my hips. In response, he pushed his leg more firmly between my legs, rubbing up against my crotch.

"You're so needy, it's adorable," he murmured in my ear, his tongue flicking out across my earlobe.

I shuddered at the feeling, inadvertently humping against his leg.

"Hmm, I think you're so hard that you'd cum just from me touching you," he murmured, giving my neck a firm lick.

"Uh," my voice shook as I held back a purr, "Maybe?"

"Hmm, but that wouldn't do at all," I felt his teeth graze my neck and I shivered.

The next second I was spun around and pinned against the table which was the height of my hips. His hands held my hips firmly and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"W-what are you doing Jude?" I stuttered, feeling hot all over.

"Shh, I've got you," he said in a low voice, pressing a soft kiss on the back of my neck.

I felt his hands wrap around my waist and find my zipper, and moments later he'd pulled my pants down to below my ass. Before removing my boxers, he cupped the tent and hummed with appreciation, and I gritted my teeth to stop myself from moaning like an untouched virgin. Which I definitely was not. But with Jude everything felt so electrifying. He distracted me with another kiss in the neck and before I could come to my senses, my boxers had joined my pants and my boner was curving proudly against my stomach. I didn't have time to feel self conscious because Jude swiped a finger across my angrily red and swollen tip, making my cock twitch, before bringing it behind me, probably up to his lips.

"You taste good too baby," he chuckled lowly, and when he shifted behind me I became all too aware of the rough material of his jeans rubbing against my bare ass, "Now, bend over for me Alf."

"What?!" I spluttered, wanting to turn around but being held firmly in place.

"You heard me," Jude traced patterns on my bare hips, "Don't worry, I'm not going to fuck you here, I'll wait to be in your bed. But I need you to bend over that table for me."

I was momentarily speechless, gulping at the image that had flashed through my mind, quickly joined by the others brought on by the idea of sharing a bed with him. The way Jude talked dirty to me turned me on more than I would have thought, and I was seriously wondering if I had many other undiscovered kinks that Jude would unearth. It was all quite exciting. Deciding I might as well obey, I slowly bent down, resting my forearms against the table among the scattered DVDs. I realised that this position made me push out my ass, and I shivered at the feeling of his crotch rubbing against it.

"Well done," Jude said and I gasped as I felt his hands circle around to rest on my ass, "You have a beautiful ass."

"Uh thank you?" I finished with a squeak as he squeezed my butt.

He grunted in response, rubbing the curves of my ass. I hated not being able to see what he was doing, and I was anxious about what was going to happen next, but the feeling culminated in pure desire and excitement. He squeezed my globes firmly before spreading them apart and I gasped at the feeling of having my hole exposed.

"Your hole is cute," Jude hummed and I was glad he couldn't see how red I was becoming.

I jumped, startled, as I felt a cool breeze against my hole, before realising that he had just blown against it. The feeling was so strange that I felt goosebumps spread over my body. I could feel his gaze locked on my ass and it was making me feel all jittery. I was just about to say something when I felt something wet and warm press against my hole.

"Jude!" I screeched, "What are-" I stopped with a gasp of shock as I realised what the thing was.

Holy fuck. Holy fuck. This wasn't happening. My whole body was frozen while my brain freaked out in gay panic. I couldn't have moved away even if I wanted to. That foreign feeling, that thing that licked and probed my hole, it was Jude's tongue. And I was about to pass out. I had never felt anything like that before. My ex had been all for oral when it was for the front, but the idea of oral anal had always freaked him out and so I had never attempted it, and certainly never had it performed on myself. And now here was Jude who burrowed his face between my ass cheeks with absolutely no hesitancy, rimming me as if it were perfectly normal.

"Jude," I wheezed as he nipped at the pulsing flesh, even though I didn't know what I wanted to say.

A cacophony of feelings were erupting across my body. The thrill, the embarrassment, the eroticness of knowing that Jude had his face buried between my ass cheeks, devouring my hole. It was lewd, and the wet sounds he was making as he lapped my hole made my cheeks burn. My skin tingled and I felt like my nerves were on fire. I shuddered as he nipped at my rim, gritted my teeth as he blew lightly on my now pulsating entrance. When he covered my hole with his mouth and gave a firm suck, I inhaled harshly at the foreign feeling. It wasn't unpleasant, in fact it was curiously tingly, but I still felt sort of weird about what was happening. My ex had always made rimming seem such a crude and disgusting activity, but Jude's eagerness and talent left me thinking otherwise.

Before I could ponder any more on that fact, Jude removed my capacity to think things through. After another firm lick he pulled back, and a moment later, jabbed his tongue into me. My forearms nearly gave out beneath me as I gulped at air. Holy shit. Holy shit. Oh my god. Oh my god. Why did that feel so good?

To be continued... 😉

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