part 3

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JUDE cont.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the door, shutting it behind me with a click. Alf raised his head in surprise from a box he was digging around in. He flushed as he realised it was me.

"What are you doing in here?" he grumbled, looking away.

Oh so he wanted to play that game, did he? 

"Same thing as you," I replied nonchalantly, leaning against the back of the door, hands casually in pockets.

"That is?" Alf paused but still refused to look at me.

"The shop's pretty quiet this afternoon so Kylie told me to help you with the new arrivals," I twisted the truth to serve my purpose.

No point telling him that Kylie had sent me to fuck him. That just sounded weird. And would probably make Alf run away even faster than last time.

"Oh, okay," Alf looked contrite and sent me a small smile.

Score! I got a smile! Feeling please with myself, I sauntered over to Alf.

"Where are you going?" Alf looked nervous as I came closer.

"To help you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"There are some other boxes over there," he nodded towards a pile on the other side of the room.

"I'll help you finish this one first," I replied, ignoring his obvious message saying stay away.

I came to a stop next to him, the box was open on the table, a pile of new bar-code stickers in a roll beside it and a tower of obviously newly tagged DVDs. I glanced at the one Alf was currently holding and nearly pissed myself. It was a fucking porn movie. And not just any porn. Gay porn. Fucking gay porn. You didn't even have to read the little red square marked R - graphic sexual themes and full frontal nudity - to know what it was about. The cover showed two men - handsome, tanned and ripped - one naked from the waist up with his hand on the other man's head, who had bent down, one arm wrapped around his partner's waist, and mouth wrapped around the other's nipple, tugging at it. I felt my own nipples tingle as I stared wide eyed at the cover. Holy shit. Of course I knew that there was an adult section in the video shop...but surprisingly enough I had never had a snoop around. In fact, I had completely forgotten that the shop stocked porn at all.

"Were you planning on watching that?" I finally asked Alf, my voice a bit too squeaky for my liking.

I watched him look down and realised he hadn't even known what he was holding. Alf let out a squeak and flushed bright red, fumbling with the DVD and nearly dropping it. I caught it and our fingers brushed past each other. Alf immediately let go of the DVD as if it was burning him and took a step away from me. I brought the DVD up to my face to have a closer look at the image and I could see Alf looking at me with wide shocked eyes. I flipped the DVD over to read the back. Some sort of story about a guy and his girlfriend's brother. Typical. Teaser images showed various scenes, like an angry woman, which I assumed is the girlfriend, and an interesting one involving some sort of harness. I'd never thought bondage would be my thing but suddenly the image of Alf tied up and writhing beneath me flashed through my mind and made my dick twitch. I thanked the gods above that telepathy wasn't a thing and Alf couldn't read my mind. I placed the DVD back in the box and tried to calm my pumping blood. At least if it was going south then I wouldn't be blushing as much.

"I'll watch it with you, if you want," I smirked at a very confused Alf, trying to pretend that I was in control of the situation.

"You'd watch that?" Alf squeaked, doe eyes widening and freckles alight.

2 Boys In A Video Shop (BxB) (18+) ▶️Where stories live. Discover now