part 10

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Alf looked like a deer caught in the headlights when he opened the door and for a second my grin faltered and I wondered if I had made the right decision coming here. But then I took in what he was wearing, and he looked so fucking adorable, so fucking fuckable, I just wanted to him then and there. He'd texted me that he wanted to talk, and it sounded serious enough that I couldn't wait for the weekend to see him. And embarrassingly enough to admit, I missed seeing his cute face.

He was blushy and cute and standoffish I just wanted to smother him in kisses. I did as soon as I got the chance. If he thought he could hide the fact that he was bare beneath his pants, he couldn't, much to my excitement. Digging my fingers into that soft flesh of his hips, feeling his groin come to brush against mine as I feasted on his lips. I swallowed my groans as my body couldn't help but respond to him. 

Until of course, that cockblocking microwave rang. And Alf sprang away from me as if he'd been electrocuted.

"Shit," he yelped, scurrying away from me and around the kitchen counter, ducking down to the microwave.

I harrumphed slightly, already missing his presence in my arms. I ran my hands through my hair, slightly disheveled from our kissing. I was glad that Alf's house was well insulated as the autumn had grown quite chilly as we headed into winter. Although at that moment, I was feeling quite hot due to a certain not-quite-ginger boy.

"I'm sorry," Alf squeaked sheepishly, head popping back up, his copper locks in all directions, "I had started reheating some dinner before I got your message."

"That's okay," I shrugged, feasting my eyes on the sight of Alf, cheeks flushed and lips swollen.

My eyes dipped and I smirked to myself slightly as his lower half was hidden by the kitchen counter. I watched him gulp as I slowly started making my way towards him.

"Are-are you hungry?" Alf stuttered, watching my advance with wide eyes, "There should be enough to share."

By then I had circled around the counter to his side, and I could very much see the bulge in his pants. I felt myself stir. Yes I was hungry. So hungry. But not for food food. I was hungry for Alf.

"Hmm," I mused out loud, prowling towards Alf.

"Yeah?" Alf asked, slightly breathlessly, and I couldn't take my eyes off his slightly parted plush lips. 

God his lips were addictive. I sidled up to him, watching him gulp as I slowly placed my hands on his hips, stroking slow circles with my thumbs so that they'd slip up under that cute Snoopy shirt and touch that silky skin. Alf shuddered slightly under my touch.

"You want curry?" he squeaked.

"No, I want you," I smiled wolfishly, pressing a soft kiss where his jaw met his neck.

"Jude," Alf whimpered slightly, tilting his head to the side to give me greater access.

I obliged, pressing open mouthed kisses down his neck, occasionally biting and sucking which elicited such lewd moans from him that I found myself pressing myself harder and harder against him, to feel his body against mine. By the time I covered his mouth with my own, he was flushed and panting, pliable in my hands and more than eager to answer the neediness of my hips. 

I moaned into his mouth as he grinded those sinful hips against me, his hardness very much nudging into my own growing bulge. I tugged him closer, wanting to feel him all over, needing to feel him. I snaked my tongue into his mouth, swallowing his moans, tasting him. My hands wandered, dipping down to grasp the roundness of his ass. He gasped into my mouth as I palmed his ass, squeezing it and pulling him closer to me, if that was even possible. I curled my hands beneath his globes, lifting him up. He squeaked, legs coming up automatically to wrap against my waist.

2 Boys In A Video Shop (BxB) (18+) ▶️Where stories live. Discover now