part 2

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ALF cont.

I shivered as I felt Jude's warm breath ghost over my neck. I could practically feel his body heat radiating across the small space between his front and my back. I had the incredible urge to give in, to lean back against his body, to let my ass come to rest on his crotch. But if Jude was just playing around then that would pretty much be suicidal. And I couldn't risk my friendship and reputations just because he was being more touchy than usual.

"I could see you watching me from over here," Jude whispered but his mouth was so close to my ear it sounded as loud as normal speech, "Did you like what you saw?"

I gulped. How could I answer? The truth? But then he might assume I'm gay and push me away without letting me explain. I could lie, but then he might feel insulted.

"You're classified as attractive by social standards," I blurted out, my inner nerd surfacing and I felt my cheeks burning even brighter. 

Jude chuckled behind me, but still didn't remove his hands from my hips.

"And by your standards?" he asked mischievously.

"I guess," I mumbled, wanting to run away very far.

"So you're attracted to me?" Jude teased.

I swallowed, hard. It was one thing to accept that he was attractive in regards to his handsomeness, but something else entirely to tell him that I am attracted to him. That implies that I would like guys like him in that way. And would pretty much be the same as coming out.

"The boss is gonna be looking for us," I squeaked and jumped away from Jude and practically ran out of the room.

The customers might have been a bit confused at the sight of a flustered cashier practically running with eagerness to serve them, or they assumed that all semi-redheads were always red anyway.


He was cute when he got flustered. I just wanted to keep teasing him, keep watching hims squirm. It got me so hot and bothered down there to see him blushing and biting his lips shyly, wide hazel eyes darting away and shining with embarrassment, and desire. I like to draw it out, start slow and gradually build the intensity of my innuendos until he couldn't ignore them anymore and he'd try to evade me but at the same time give himself away so blatantly that I don't understand how he could possibly believe that I didn't know he was gay. 

He liked to pretend he didn't listen to my dirty jokes and innuendos. The way he rearranged his pants would say otherwise. He never told me his sexuality, but I'd be blind to think he wasn't at least somewhat attracted to boys. To me. And lately I can't stay away from him. Every week I am impatient for the weekend. Two days I can spend with Alf, teasing him and getting him all hot and bothered. Until there's a point I have to stop and dash to the bathroom myself, to jack off silently at the image of fucking Alf against the wall of the cubicle, at sucking on every freckle that coated his body (and there were a lot, if only to assume from his face), at pulling his copper locks until those huge doe eyes glaze over with pleasure. And lately that had been happening way too often than could possibly be healthy. 

I found it cute the way he sent me a text, worried when I was late. It made me fall warm inside. He cared. Even if he pretended we were just friends, and refused to answer my advances. I regretted having flirted so openly with girls in front of him. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a playboy and I just mess around with hims to get him uncomfortable. The truth is, I mess around with him because I want him. I want him to be mine and no one elses. He doesn't notice the appreciative glances the girls give him, nor their giggles behind the shelves. I've heard some once discussing whether his pubic hair would be the exotic copper colour of his hair too, others betting that the partly red hues meant he was naughty in bed. Alf never heard them. He'd have run away probably. 

But I heard them. And it made my intestines knot at the idea of someone else, one of those girls, actually finding out what they were wondering. Then I started flirting with the girls to keep them away from Alf. That kind of backfired, they preferred the my extroverted charm to Alf's shy mysterious attractiveness. I couldn't get rid of them anymore. Sure I don't mind pussy. I'm bisexual. But lately I've been yearning for dick. Someone's dick in particular. Alf's. And when I want something, I usually get it. Something told me that Alf wouldn't be too averse to the idea, but first I needed to break down his walls. His heart seemed fragile and I would hate myself forever if I broke it. But I actually cared about him. I didn't just want to fuck him (even if I really really did), I wanted to cuddle him at night and fall asleep at his soft breaths, and wake up in the morning to the sun rays illuminating his thousands of freckles like sparkles, his copper locks so bright against my pale skin and the white sheets.

I regretted not having held him more tightly, having stopped him from running away in the store room. I had never flirted so openly with him and the desire was obvious in his eyes, but he balked. Basically ran away as if I was about to murder him. Murder him with your dick my inner voice teased and I ignored it. He stayed at the front desk all morning and somehow arranged himself to swap lunch breaks with Kylie. If he was trying to be inconspicuous in his avoidance of me, it was failed. In a way, the fact that I had made him so flustered that he couldn't look me in the way made me feel gratified. I knew he wanted me. He didn't have to say it. The way his eyes, body - everything - responded to me when I talked, worked, or flirted screamed fuck me in the most innocent way possible. And I loved that needy innocence.

All morning and put new DVDs on the shelves and put away old ones in the drawers underneath. As I moved between the aisles I kept an eye on Alf as he smiled politely at each customer, verified their payment and gave them their receipt and bag with a thanks. After lunch, the boss, having seen him work at the desk all morning, ordered him to take a break from the socialising and go sort out some new arrivals in the back. Kylie replaced Alf at the desk and I was lurking around, trying to figure out a way to get to Alf when she spotted me.

"Judas!" she called as a customer walked away from the desk with their purchase and I tried not to roll my eyes at her use of my full name.

Alf and I must have told her a hundred times to call us by our nicknames, but she still called us Alfred and Judas every time.

"Yes?" I tried to sound like I was actually doing some work.

"Go talk to him," Kylie smirked.

"What?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"Alfred," she rolled her eyes, "Get together already, the sexual tension is killing me."

I gaped at her, disbelieving, and quickly checked right and left that no customers were about. Luckily, the shop was empty near the front at that moment and the boss nowhere to be seen. Kylie blew a pink strand of her off her forehead and nodded her head towards the door leading to the store room.

"He's in there, hurry up before the boss sees you loitering. I'll tell him it's a quiet day so you're helping Alfred unpack the new arrivals. Just don't get too dirty in there or he'll have an aneurysm if he walks in," Kylie winked at me.

My mouth opened and closed and it took ma a hot second to register what she was saying and implying.

"Are you serious?" I finally asked.

"That I'll cover for you guys? Of course! I've been waiting to see you guys together for ages," Kylie giggled.

"Alf and I?" I repeated, gobsmacked.

"Duh," she rolled her eyes, "I'm lesbian. My gayometer is very efficient. And anyone would be able to sense the sexual tension between you too."

I filed away that new piece of information for later reflection and then shook my head in disbelief. Well then. I guess neither Alf nor I were very inconspicuous afterall.

"Ok," I said, deciding there was nothing else to say, "Ok."

And I hurriedly made my way to the staff door. I made my way through the dark corridor to the store room meant for new arrivals, passing the archives, the boss's office, the staff room on the way, the toilets were on the other side. I stood infront of the door, nerve jittery. I heard movement inside and knew Alf was there, on the other side of the door. I was ready to claim what was mine.

To be continued... 😉

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