You're calling the fire department

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A.N Thank you so much to all the people who encouraged me to keep going, this is for you. Please remember to vote and comment, I love you all.

No tiktok instead you can enjoy a video of me in my Fox onesie crying to my friend over snap in September when writing a chapter about hurting Lexi and then proceeding to continue to do it, pls don't make fun of my accent, I'm a bogan Aussie haha and I was a mess.

After their small cuddle session, Adam decided his brain had enough of studying and suggested they go on a "romantic walk" Lexi knew that he just wanted to get out of studying but couldn't bring herself to care as she excitedly put her shoes on.

Ever since Adam and Charlie got their licences the group had driven everywhere, sometimes Lexi missed the simplicity of taking a walk through the neighbourhood, Adams hand in hers, feeling like no one could hurt her because he was there. She knew that as long as she had Adam Banks by her side, she would always be safe, she would always be protected and most of all she would always be loved.

The two walked in peaceful silence, Adams thumb absentmindedly rubbing small circles on the girl's hand as she looked up at the blowing trees. Lexi smiled as they walked past the park, letting go of Adam's hand as she rushed over to the slide, climbing up the ladder.

"Come on" she giggled waiting for the boy, gripping the edges of the slide excitedly as she looked around the park.

Lexi Conway was the pinnacle of Innocence despite all the horrible things that happened to her. The girl was by no means dumb, at school she had a perfect GPA and she had chosen the career path of a brain surgeon so she could help people that had the same issues as her best friend, she never wanted anyone to ever have to go through what she went through when she lost Lio.

However, it could be said that she had a childlike nature about her, it didn't seem to bother Adam though, it was one of the many many things he loved about the younger girl.

"I don't think I'll fit cutie" Adam laughed as he approached the slide. Lexi looked at the boy and then the slide "nah you will" she nodded happily, patting the top of the slide.

Adam let out a small laugh as he climbed the slide "If I get stuck, you're the one calling the fire department" he grinned as he sat down placing his legs on either side of her. "Don't put bad vibes out into the universe" Lexi whispered, leaning back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

The girl scooted forward, letting out a laugh as they began sliding. They picked up speed arriving at the end as they flew off, Adam landing on top of the small girl as she giggled.

"You okay?" he questioned as he laid on top of her, his eyes drifting to the girls face as she laid sprawled out, a grin on her face as she laughed.

The two made eye contact and Adam smiled softly, gently brushing a strand of hair out of the girl's face, tucking it behind her ear and leaning down slightly to kiss her.

She placed her hands on his face, rubbing his cheeks gently with her thumb, keeping him close as they kissed.

"Alright we're at a children's park, that could stop being deserted at any minute" Adam laughed as he pulled away making Lexi pout as he stood, offering her a hand.

Lexi smiled as he effortlessly pulled her up, she looked around the park smiling as she walked over to the swings sitting down and sending the boy a smile.

He jokingly rolled his eyes as he followed her, placing his hands on either side of the swing "Be careful Addy, push me any higher and I might go to the moon" the girl spoke softly, making Adam smile at their long running obsession with the moon.

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