I'm right here

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Guy had left Adam's house not long after their conversation, he had promised not to tell Lexi, he understood it was for the best, it just sucked that it had to happen.

The boy threw himself down at his desk, carefully opening his curtains and looking out the window. His whole body felt pain as he noticed the small girl.

Lexi sat on her bed, holding a pillow to her face, it was clear she was trying to muffle her sobs, she didn't want anyone to hear her.

He continued to watch as she threw the picture of them across the room angrily, she then rushed towards the picture as if she realised fully what she had done.

She scooped it into her arms and sank to the floor crying. Adam noticed Charlie rush through the girls bedroom door, pulling her up into his arms and hugging her tightly. Lexi wrapped her arms around her brother, clinging to him as if he was her lifeline.

"Cutie, I'm right here" the boy yelled, looking out his window watching as the girl broke down.

Adam shut his curtains, he couldn't watch anymore. It was too painful.

-------- -------------------4 week time skip (weekend before school goes back)-----------------------------

It had been 4 weeks since the break up of Lexi Conway and Adam Banks. They hadn't seen or spoken to each other since other than desperately trying to look at each other threw their windows.

Lexi had turned to her two bestfriends and brother for a support system, spending every moment she could with them. She had told Alex the second it happened and he too was ready to kick Adam's ass, he didn't though as the small girl pleaded him to stay with her.

She didnt like to be alone, that's when all the bad thoughts happened.

Sadly for Adam though he had almost no one, Guy was the only one who still spoke to him out of their small little group, and that was only because he knew the truth of what was going on.

Zoe constantly visited, checking in on the boy and making sure he hadn't broken his part of the deal. Adam constantly walked around on egg shells, still scared of his father.

He had to live there though, he had no where else to go.

The rest of the ducks tried to stay out of it, preferring not to pick sides. However a majority seemed to gravitate towards Lexi, they didn't like the person Adam had become.

If only they had know he was forced to become it.

Guy and Alex rushed into the girls room, "Hi Al, Hi Guy" the girl spoke, sending them both a fake smile.

"I missed you" Guy grinned, Lexi sadly shook her head. "I don't feel like saying that today" she whispered, tears brimming in her eyes.

She had days like this, some days she was good but others she would shut down, her body would move as if it was on autopilot.

Guy simply opened his arms for the girl, allowing her to walk into them and embrace him in a hug, he gently rubbed the girls back and she squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. I missed you too" the girl whispered, causing the boy to laugh slightly before pulling away.

Alex began informing her there was a party this weekend, a final hurrah before they went back to school the following Monday. It was at Tiffany's house, a girl in their grade at school.

The last thing the girl wanted to do was go to a party but by the look on Guy and Alex's faces she didnt have much of a choice.

She simply nodded, causing the two to grin and share a high five before they rushed out of her room to allow her to get ready.

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