So he's really gone?

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Whilst Lexi Conway was on her mission to collect Guy Germaine the rest of the ducks had gathered at her house to hang out.

The girl hadn't come out of her room but they all knew it was best to give her space, she'd come down when she was ready. Losing Guy Germaine was a tough blow. 

"So he's really gone" Connie spoke sadly, looking at her watch and noticing Guy's plane would have already taken off.

The team nodded sadly, "She's going to be broken" Connie said once again, she didnt need to specify who she was talking about. They all knew. Lexi Conway needed Guy Germaine.

Little did the ducks know though, she had got him.

By the time the rest of the team, minus Alex had left it had been an hour. Lexi Conway was on her way back from the airport. Guy Germaine in tow. 

It was then that Alex looked at the two boys, "Okay. I know she doesn't want to see anyone and that shes probably sleeping but surely she loves me enough right" the boy spoke, not giving the other two boys a chance to respond as he headed up the stairs. 

The boy walked upstairs and knocked quietly, he heard no movement on the other side of the door so he assumed the girl would be sleeping. Carefully he opened the door, frowning slightly when he noticed the girls bed was made and empty. 

He noticed her open bathroom door and his confusion only increased, the girl wasn't anywhere to be seen, he backed out of the room and headed towards the stairs. He knew what as coming, Adam was about to lose his shit.

"Uh, she's not in her room" the voice of Alex spoke as he walked down the stairs. Adam snapped his head up in confusion and rushed past the boy, he headed to the familiar room and looked around, the girl was small but she wasnt invisible.

 Adam walked towards the bed and dropped to his knees, looking under it.The boy mentally facepalmed, why would she be hiding under the bed? That's where the monsters were.

Charlie appeared in the doorway, shoving potato chips in his mouth, causing Adam to walk over to him, slapping him on the arm numerous times "Stop eating, your little sister is missing and last time we saw her she was an emotional mess and im scared" Adam Banks rambled.

Charlie swallowed quickly, rolling his eyes dramatically. "It's not like she'd .. " the boy froze, remembering the conversation she had with him and only him a few months prior, Lexi Conway at times went to dark places.

"We were gone for four hours. Do you know how much can happen in four hours" Adam panicked, he turned to Alex who was sending him a concerned look. The boy well and truly had lost his mind.

Charlie though, being the protective brother he was frantically nodded, "Okay. Yep. Officially worried" he spoke as he checked the counter, Lexi always left a note and she almost never went anywhere alone. 

Adam ran his hand through his hair, he was usually a calm person but he always overreacted in situations that involved Lexi Conway. Given her past though, his panic was often justified. 

"Call the police" Adam stated, causing Alex to let out a snicker. "We need to call the police"

"We don't need the police Ad" Alex spoke as he laughed, trying to reassure the panicking boy.

To everyone's surprise Charlie seemed to be just as crazy as Adam, he turned to Alex and nodded frantically "Alex is right, we need like the navy".

Adam stopped his panicking briefly at that statement, raising an eyebrow. "Okay. Even I'm not that crazy Conway". 

"All we need is the protect Lexi at all costs committee" He informed Charlie, causing the boy to nod pumping his fist.

"Sound the alarm Banksie" Charlie spoke, Alex held his hand up. "We don't need the alarm, we are all here. Except uh Guy".

Charlie and Adam both looked at each and let out a quite sob "Guy". Alex rolled his eyes, telling the boys to stop crying and focus. 

Adam Banks looked towards the front door, feeling a sudden pull dragging him towards it. He rushed towards the door and it was thrown open as he reached it, causing the boy to fall forward in shock, he hit the ground and let out a small groan.

The figure leant down next to him, "You okay gorgeous?" they asked, unable to hid their laughter.

Before Adam could respond Charlie had rushed at the girl, pulling her into a hug. Lexi, though confused hugged back. "You weren't kidnapped" Charlie cheered, causing Lexi to pull away in confusion. 

Her eyes drifted to Alex as she sent him a grin and a wave, the boy smiled and walked over to her, also wrapping his arms around her. "What does he mean about kidnapped?" the girl questioned softly, before Alex could respond though a hand reached out and grabbed onto Lexi, spinning her around to face them.

"And where were you young lady" the voice of Adam spoke, causing Lexi to raise an eyebrow. 

"I went to say goodbye to Guy" the girl spoke, before she could speak the boys yelled out in unison "GUY!".

Lexi rolled her eyes and continued, "Thanks for bringing up that memory. Anyays I tried to convince him not to go" she stated softly, causing the boys eyes to widen in hope. 

"Did you get him back! Surely he cant say no to your adorable little face?" Charlie spoke eagerly, his grin dropping as he saw Lexi frowning. 

She shook her head. "Does it look like I got him back?" she spoke, looking up at her brother. 

The three boys let out sad sighs, they were interrupted as a head popped inside the front door. "Yeah she got me back" the voice of Guy spoke out, causing the three boys to snap their heads towards the door.

"Guy!" they all yelled dramatically, rushing at the blonde boy and tackling him in a hug, all four boys hit the floor and let out groan of pain, causing Lexi to giggle as they formed a dog pile on each other. 

The girl got a run up and threw herself on top of the pile smiling in satisfaction and waiting for their groans of pain. "I don't know what Lexi just threw on top of us, but it feels like nothing" Charlie teased.

Lexi let out a huff of annoyance. "They do this every time" she muttered to herself angrily as she got off the pile and moved to sit cross legged on the floor. 

"I'll show you to your room" Lexi spoke to Guy when he got out of the dog pile. The boy nodded eagerly, following the girl up the stairs and ignoring the other three boys on the floor. It wasn't until the pair were up at the top of the stairs before Charlie's mind seemed to click. 

"His room, he gets to live with us!?" he questioned, causing Lexi to nod a pointed look on her face. "Did you think I was going to let him go that easily" she spoke, laughing slightly as she shared a look with Guy. "Ohana" she singsonged, continuing her mission up the stairs.

The pair arrived at the boys new room, it was beside Charlies and down the hall from Lexi's. The girl had informed him it was kind of small, Guy nodded, he was just glad he decided stay.

 When the door was thrown open Guy let out a laugh. Lexi really was a cake-eater. His new room was the size of his lounge room at his old house and here she was calling it small. The girl turned to him a look of questioning on her face, Guy simply reached up and patted her head "I forget how rich you are little Lex".

Lexi playfully swatted his hand away, but smiled, pulling the boy into a hug. "I'm glad you decided to stay. I don't know how much longer I would have survived if you'd left"

Guy laughed at how dramatic Lexi was , squeezing the girl back. Little did he know though, the words that left her mouth were the 100 per cent honest truth.

 Lexi Conways mental health had been plummeting and honestly she had no idea how to stop it.

She didnt want to be sad, she just was. She just always was.

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