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Adam Banks world had come crashing down in a matter of seconds as he watched the girl he loved get struck by the car.

He held his girlfriend as she took her final breath and he felt his heart break worse than it ever had before.

He was in a state of shock, 3 days ago they promised to have a future together and now here she was on the ground in his arms, no longer breathing.

He looked to Charlie who was sobbing, his face in his hands as he continued to beg the girl to wake up, he needed her to wake up.

Adam snapped out of his trance he couldn't lose her. Not like this.

Adam frantically shook his head, "If she thinks I'm going to let her go that easily she has another thing coming" The boy rushed out, placing the girl on the ground and attempting to begin CPR.

"Charlie go check on the driver of the car" the boy rushed out through tears as he continued to attempt to pump life into his girlfriend.

Charlie wiped his eyes and quickly hopped up, rushing towards the car that had hit a pole and was smoking.

"Come on Cutie, Come on" Adam yelled frustratedly tears flowing down his face as he pumped the girl's chest. His tears fell down his face and gently hit the girls cheeks.

It took a few moments the paramedics to rush over, immediately bringing the crash cart and gently shoving Adam out of the way as they began CPR.

The boy scrambled to get up, latching on to Lexi's hand as he watched compressions be given to her small body.

Another paramedic rushed over to where Charlie was standing seemingly in shock.

"Do you know this man?" the paramedic asked as he carefully pried the window open to pull the unconscious man out.

Charlie simply nodded, not finding a way to speak proper words, "It's my Dad" Charlie spoke to the paramedics, "but he is meant to be in jail, he murdered Isabelle Summer".

The paramedic went to speak again to the boy but Charlie was gone again, rushing back over to his dead sister and her boyfriend.

"We've gotta get her in the ambulance, I'm not having any luck at getting any heartbeat, we need to try the defib" the paramedic rushed out, as two of them picked up the gurney.

"You gotta let me go with her, please," Adam begged as he refused to let go of the girl's hand.

"Are you family?" The paramedic asked quickly as they loaded the lifeless girl onto the gurney.

Adam shook his head "no but", before he could speak again he was interrupted by the same paramedic "Family only"

Charlie shot up, "I'm her brother" he rushed out, causing the Paramedic to look at him and nod towards the vehicle.

Charlie turned to Adam "I gotta go, man, she can't be alone" he begged.

Adam nodded, "Take care of her for me, I'll meet you there" the boy spoke sadly, looking around frantically after knowing he needed to find a ride, his parents had gone home.

He shook his head as he watched the girl be driven away, Charlie sitting in the ambulance clutching her hand as the paramedics began to work on the girl once more.

Adam had no other option, he left Linda, muttering a quick sorry and began running down the sidewalk, the boy ran faster than he ever had before, sobs left his throat as he darted around people.

The boy was stopped when a car honked at him, he whirled around and saw Alex Larson and his father. The boy looked at him confused.

"What's going on Ad? Wheres, little Lexi?" the boy spoke as he wound down the window, confused as to why the couple weren't together.

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