You saved my life, again

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Lexi had just finished showing Guy around when the small group decided to watch some movies. The girl waited a few hours before deciding to complete her nightly ritual, she informed the boys she was going to bed and they all wished her goodnight, Adam informing her he'd be up soon.

It had only been about 30 minutes and the girl hadn't been expecting the boy to come to bed yet, so when her door was thrown open and a small amount of light entered she found herself frantically wiping her tears away and rolling over, hoping that he didn't notice. 

This was her usual routine when she was sad, she went to bed before the boy, usually, while he was watching a hockey game with Charlie, cried a little and then usually by the time Adam came up she was sleeping.

The girl felt Adam slide into bed beside her and kept her eyes shut, trying her best to calm her breathing. She prayed the boy wouldn't lean over and notice the obvious tear tracks on her face. 

Adam Banks slid into the bed, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend, he leant over to place a goodnight kiss on her cheek and frowned slightly when he noticed her cheek felt wet. The boy flicked the light on, allowing him to get a better look at the girls face.

"Cutie, I can tell your not asleep" the boy spoke softly, pulling the girl into his arms and covering her body with his in a hug.

Lexi immediently felt the warmth rush through her body as the boy embraced her, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her head into his side. "What's wrong?" the boy questioned softly.

"I'm okay. I'm just a little sad tonight. It just happens sometimes." The girl spoke quietly, doing her best to end the conversation and go to sleep. Adam Banks was not about to allow that.

" Talk to me about it, it could help you feel better, I'm here for you" the boy stated gently, continuing to hold the girl in his arms.

"There comes a point when talking about it doesn't make you feel better anymore. You just live with your mouth closed and your walls up and your heart hidden because the last time you opened up to somebody they tore you up and then left. And now, you're scared of being soft and vulnerable because you bruise like a peach, but you're becoming so cold and hard. You won't let anyone hold your hand because you're scared that they will let go. You won't let anyone touch you because you're afraid of getting burned. You won't let anyone kiss you because you're terrified of getting addicted to the taste of their mouth. And most of all there comes a time when someone asks if you're okay and you say yes every time without looking into their eyes because you think that you have to, you think your pain isn't worth the words or the time or the attention and it makes you so, so sad" The girl ranted sadly.

Lexi took a breath and turned back to look at her boyfriend. She frowned slightly at the tears rolling down his face.

"Why are you crying gorgeous?" The girl questioned softly, reaching up and gently holding the boys face with both of her hands.

"Because I love you" the boy replied, causing Lexi to let out a small smile.

 "Because it sucks that you feel like that and I can't help you, I can't take away your pain. I wish I could live in the deepest parts of your mind where all the bad thoughts are so I can stop them like a dreamcatcher before you feel them. I can't fix your problems but I can promise you won't ever have to deal with them alone. I am not going anywhere, You're my eternity Lexi Conway." The boy spoke shakily. 

Lexi said nothing, just moved so she was hovering over the boy and placed a kiss on his lips, the boy gently gripped the back of the girls head, deepening the kiss for a few moments before the pair pulled away.

"I love you Adam Banks, how did I get so lucky to end up with someone like you?", Adam simply shook his head, a small smile on his face "I've been asking myself that same question all my life".

Lexi found herself slowly drifting to sleep in Adam's arms, the boy gently rubbing her back. The girl was broken, and with every step she took in life she shattered a little more. 

But as always Adam Banks was right behind her, scooping up the pieces and holding the glue to stick her back together, that was they way it had been for both teens for 15 years now. Lexi also being the one with the glue for Adam when he needed it.

It took only a few moments for Adam to drift off to sleep as well, keeping the girl tight in his arms, worried if he let her go she'd fade away.

The next morning couple woke up to screams coming from the kitchen, they exchanged worried glances before jumping out of bed and rushing down the stairs.

When they arrive they noticed Charlie opening the microwave, smoke enveloping him and a small flame coming from inside.

"I forgot to take the wrapper off of my poptart"  Charlie rushed out as he frantically attempted to put out the fire with a towel. Lexi rolled her eyes as she watched the towel then get set on fire. 

Charlie began frantically screaming and to Lexi's surprise Adam began screaming too. 

The girl quickly approached her brother, grabbing the towel and throwing it into the sink before turning on the tap and watching the flames be extinguished.

The girl then turned to her brother and boyfriend, sending them a small smile. "And I thought I was the baby of this trio" she teased, causing them both to roll their eyes in unison. 

Charlie rushed over to his sister and pulled her into a hug, lifting her off of the floor "you saved my life, again. You must be my guardian angel" the boy spoke jokingly.

Lexi was quick with a response "We'll this guardian angel is sick of saving your life so stop doing stupid shit"

Charlie placed the girl down and placed his hand on his heart "well ouch little Lex, ouch" he spoke offended causing the girl to giggle. 

Moments later a frazzled Guy rushed down the stairs, it was clear he'd just woken up from sleep. He frantically asked what happened causing Lexi to let out a small laugh as Charlie retold the story that occurred a few moments prior.

Guy rolled his eyes jokingly before turning his attention to the small girl beside him, sending her a grin and opening his arms "I'm waiting" he singsonged. 

Lexi giggled, "Guy! I missed you" the girl spoke, walking over to the boy and wrapping her arms around him. "I missed you too Roomie" the boy responded.

"You know, now that you live here I probably dont have to say the line everytime I see-" Lexi began, before she could continue though Guy had cut her off 

"Yes, Yes you do have to say it everytime you see me" he stated firmly. Lexi nodded back, saluting the boy. 

The girl turned back to her boyfriend tiredly, holding up her arms and making grabby hands like a child. Adam laughed and walked over to her, pulling her up into his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist. 

"Back to bed please gorgeous" the girl mumbled, waving to Guy and Charlie as the boy laughed and began his journey up the stairs.

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