Listen to Me

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A.N uhh hi, I've missed you guys. I still am not sure if I'm going to discontinue this series or not. But uh if you want to show this chapter some love I wouldn't object.

Lexi opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out, the doctor's words became muffled as she felt billions of thoughts cloud her mind, she had to ask her mother, she had no idea what was going on.

"Hey Little Lex" Charlie spoke as the girl walked out, she looked at him, and he was dramatically dancing with the teddy bear trying to make her smile.

"Not now, Charlie okay?" The girl spoke softly, walking past the boy as his grin dropped in confusion as the girl ignored him and call him his full name.

Lexi continued walking, finding her mother who was in the waiting room, the girl caught the end part of the conversation "I'm sure they'll sort it out Ann, it'll be okay".

She frowned softly. Clearly, her mother was talking to Adams mother "I know, but she won't understand that" Casey whispered, hurriedly hanging up as she noticed Lexi approaching.

"I need to ask you something, but you have to promise not to get mad" Lexi whimpered as she played with her hospital gown nervously not giving her mother a chance to respond or even promise she wouldn't get mad.

The girl's world would completely change based off of Casey's next answer.

"Are you my mother?" Lexi questioned softly. Casey looked at her, confused "of course, I am sweetie; you're my daughter."

Lexi shook her head, informing the woman that that wasn't what she meant, the girl took a shaky breath before looking up at the woman "Are you my biological mother and please please don't lie to me" she whispered.

The look of guilt on Casey's face said it all; it was enough for Lexi to put the pieces together, the Dr was right.

"You have to understand. Josh was abusive. We already had Charlie, and when I fell pregnant with you he was only 6 months old, I couldn't have two babies under 2 years old with him" Casey rushed out.

"You didn't want me?" the girl whispered as her voice cracked, she was used to it by now though, no one ever wanted or needed her.

"No baby I did, I really did. But I couldn't afford it, and I wanted you to have the chance to grow in a loving home, your aunt had been trying to fall pregnant for a while, but they found out she was infertile, so she offered to take you. We put Shane and Isabelle on your birth certificate, and they became your parents. It worked well at first, I got to see you every day, but I also got to know that you were being taken care of" the woman spoke quickly.

Lexi stood tearfully, she was in shock, to say the least, "but then Josh got angry, he said you were beautiful, he wanted you back. Isabelle refused and confronted him about touching you, and he killed her" Casey sniffled "I didn't know for ages that my brother mistreated you, or I would have taken you out of there a lot sooner."

The girl felt her world fully crumble. She was happy to find out that Charlie was her biological brother, and she was even happier to find out that her biological mother was still alive. Still, the girl had spent the past 15 years thinking her Mother was Isabelle Summer and it wasn't easy to understand.

"Does Charlie know?" Lexi whispered, she prayed he didn't, she would well and truly break if her brother had known and kept it a secret from her their whole lives.

Casey quickly shook her head, indicating the boy had no idea as Lexi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait, that means my own father" she then whimpered disgusted as she slid to the floor placing her head on her knees, Casey knew exactly what she meant "I'm so sorry" she whispered looking down at the girl.

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