I promise.

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A.N Hey I'm back hehe; sorry it's been so long again but I've been busy with life and also my new Charlie book. Love you all; please remember to vote and comment xx

Tiktok of the chapter ^^

"You're my hero" Charlie spoke to his younger sister as he drove the group home.

Lexi leant on Adam's shoulder a grin on her face, she'd been squished in the backseat between him and Alex who decided to tag along whilst Guy claimed shotgun.

"She had it coming" Lexi giggled happily as Adam kissed her head.

Adam looked at the time, it was only 8:00. The night was still very much young "Can you drop Cutie and I off here?" he questioned Charlie, he knew the carnival was nearby.

Lexi looked up at Adam excitedly "Where we going" she giggled as Charlie pulled up on the side of the road slightly confused.

Adam said nothing just grabbed Lexis hand, tugging her out of the car and rushing down the street as the girl let out laughs, she enjoyed the feeling of the wind running through her hair. She especially enjoyed the feeling of the boys hand in hers.

"Don't kill her I won't let you in the back with a dead body" Charlie called as he drove past slowly.

"I'll do what I want" Adam bit back, a grin on his face. "My car my rules" Charlie teased.

"My Knife your life" Lexi joked, reaching into her purse.

Charlies eyes widened as he drove off, Lexi giggled as she looked up at Adam informing him she didn't actually have a knife.

He laughed softly as he bent down, motioning for Lexi to get on his back. The girl looked at him "Did you wash the car? I think your last passenger could have had diseases" she shivered thinking of Zoe.

The boy shivered too as he nodded frantically, Lexi took this as a good enough answer as she climbed on his back, resting her head on the boys shoulder as he continued to walk. The girl let out an excited gasp as she saw the carnival.

Immediently when inside, the two made their way to the ferris wheel, climbing in the cart and waiting till they got to the top. Lexi held a grin on her face as she looked around at the carnival before looking up at the sky "We can almost touch the moon" she giggled as she reached up.

Adam laughed softly as he grabbed the girls hand, getting her attention as she looked at him quizzically, she noticed the look on his face and felt concern and panic hit.

"Is it okay if I give you this back?" the boy whispered reaching into his jacket pocket to pull out a small black box.

Inside was Lexi Conways promise ring.

The girl smiled as she nodded, holding her hand out and allowing Adam to slip it onto her finger, she noticed his hand was shaking slightly, he was nervous.

"I know for a while there you were lost, and for 15 years it was my job to bring you out of the darkness, the only problem was I wasn't the light anymore, I'd become part of the darkness. I promise to never be part of your darkness again. I promise I'll never leave you. I promise you that I will love you for who you are. I want to be the one who can make you smile and laugh every single day. I can't promise a perfect relationship because there will be fights, misunderstandings, arguments, obstacles, and problems we'll go through but I can promise you despite what happens now or in the future I will be by your side every step of the way and will always love you unconditionally because you are my eternity and I choose you and I will always choose you, In 100 years, 100 lifetimes, I'll always want you" he whispered making Lexis heart soar.

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