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Adam and Lexi stood in the girls kitchen, making a cake.

Lexi was a pretty good baker, Lexi was pretty good at anything really. Adam however didn't seem to know the different between flour and sugar.

"Ad are you sure you read the instructions right?" Lexi questioned looking at the cake in the oven.

"Yeah why?" The boy questioned as he continued to wipe the bench down.

"Well uh the cake is kinda messy" Lexi scrunched her nose looking at the cake that was now overflowing onto the pan underneath it.

"I dont know why it's doing that" Adam said crouching down beside the girl to look at the cake

"What did it say to do?" Lexi asked perplexed as she stood

Adam grabbed the paper with the ingredients on it.

"Uh half a cup if water, four cups of flower, six tablespoons of oil-"

"What" Lexi cut him off grabbing the instructions, the boy stood confused as the girl's eyes skimmed the recipe.

"Gorgeous. It says six teaspoons" Lexi pointed out as she walked closer to the boy. The boy immediately wrapped his arms around her, holding her in a hug.

"What's the difference Cutie?" He asked confused. Lexi rolled her eyes at the boy's stupidity but found herself laughing at his adorable confused face as she pulled away from the hug.

"Oh only the simple fact that a teaspoon is very small and a tablespoon is really big" she pointed out sarcastically, giggling as she watched his face change in to one of realisation.

"Oooooohhhhhhhh, I forgot about that" Adam said rubbing the back of his neck.

The girl groaned, face palming as she looked at her boyfriend who was sending her a sheepish smile.

"Ugh what am I gonna do with you" she whined. Adam pushed his girlfriend's hair out of her face and looked down to her.

"Sorry?" He spoke softly, a grin on his face, Lexi jokingly rolled her eyes and pointed at her lips giving them a tap.

Adams grin widened as he leant down and placed a kiss on the girl's lips.

Lexi quietly grabbed the flour from the table and waited, as Adam pulled away the girl took her chance, pushing on the bottom of the packet sending flour into the boy's face.

Adam let out a shocked laugh, a grin forming on his face as he looked at his giggling girlfriend, "you look so silly" she teased.

The boy rolled his eyes jokingly, grabbing a nearby egg, before Lexi could react he quickly cracked the egg in his hand, dropping it on his girlfriends head.

The girl let out a quiet gasp and looked at her boyfriend, egg yolk running down her face. Adam immediately felt bad for the small girl and went to apologise.

He was stopped by Lexis giggle as she wiped the yolk from her face. "I'll get you back for that Adam Banks, I don't know how and I don't know when but it'll be when you least expect it" the girl warned, jokingly cracking her knuckles.

"Let's go to the park" the girl singsonged randomly, causing the boy to look at her confused, Lexi just shrugged, informing the boy she wanted to get outside and she figured if she hid long enough her brother would clean up their mess.

The girl hated mess but today she had no will to care, she wanted to spend time with her boyfriend. Before Adam could speak Lexi had rushed up the stairs. Having a shower and changing.

Adam followed her lead and headed to the other bathroom, he only had flour on his face and not in his hair  so it was easy for him to just quickly wash his face rather than having a full shower like the girl had to.

Adam had headed downstairs and was sitting on the girl's couch, he heard her bathroom door slid open and waited till he heard the familiar giggle of Lexi Conway "I'm almost at the bottom step, catch me" she singsonged.

The boy jumped up and rushed to the stairs, catching the girl as she threw herself at him, wrapping her legs around him as he held her up.

"Park then?" Adam asked softly, causing the girl to nod. Adam went to place the girl down but her grip around his neck tightened.

"Carry me" she whined, looking at the boy and putting on her best pout, Adam just laughed. "You don't have to pout Cutie, you know I'm basically your slave" he teased as he walked towards the front door, still holding the girl as she rested her head on his shoulder.

The pair were laid under a tree in at the local park, Lexi needed to get out of the house, her plan was to stay gone until Charlie cleaned up the mess for her , the girl was laying across her boyfriend's lap.

She had her eyes closed and was resting as the sunset behind them. The sunset cast a beautiful golden glow on Lexis face and Adam thought it made her 100x more beautiful.

"I can sense you staring at me, Ad." The girl mumbled as she opened her eyes to look at him. "I wasn't staring i was admiring." He corrected.

The couple laid for a while, not noticing the rain clouds lingering, Adam had given Lexi his varsity Jacket to wear that swallowed her, it perfectly covered her grey cast.

It took only a few moments for rain droplets to fall, Lexi cracked an eye open and looked up at Adam, both of them sharing a panicked look as the rain began to fall heavily.

The two sprung up and tried to run from the rain but they couldn't find any good hiding spots. Their clothes were soaked and they were cold but they had each other and that was all they needed.

Adam stopped running and Lexi looked back at him confused, he walked towards her with a goofy grin on his face.

The boy grabbed his girlfriends hand and spun her in the rain before kissing her.

The girl returned the kiss and pulled back with a smile. "What was that for?" She asked the boy "I've seen lots of movies and wanted to try it out."

The two had headed back to Lexis house and she grinned at the familiar figure sat on her front porch.

"Guy!" The girl yelled out, causing the boy on the porch to snap his head to her.

The boy stood up, sending the girl a big grin and began rushing to her, despite the rain that was still bucketing down.

Lexi released Adams hand as she opened her arms with a giggle, the boy embraced her, holding her into a hug and lifting her off the ground slightly.

"I missed you" the girl said softly as she wrapped her arms around the boy. Ever since she'd died Guy had been even more protective for the girl than he'd ever been before.

"I missed you too" the boy whispered, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as he once again thanked the heavens that the girl was okay.

Guy placed the girl down and her hand found Adams again, squeezing it as she dragged him out of the rain, Guy following behind them.

Lexi opened her front door and headed to the kitchen, smiling slightly when she saw Charlie at the counter, putting away the last of the dishes.

She turned to Adam, whispering "I told you he'd clean it, he still feels bad about me almost dying, I'm milking it as much as I can till he starts being the annoying older brother again" she finished with a grin.

Charlie looked up and sent the other three teens a grin, Lexi although drenched rushed at her brother and pulled him into a hug. The boy groaned at the coldness that hit his body but still laughed as he hugged the small girl back.

"Thanks for cleaning up the mess" she murmured to the boy, she was sick of cleaning up messes both literally and figuratively so it meant a lot when people were willing to help her.

Charlie informed her it wasn't a problem but then smirked slightly, telling her she could do his dishes for week, the girl rolled her eyes but agreed. There was the brother she knew and loved.

The girl's eyes drifted to the three boys, "let's play some Mario Kart" she cheered "I may have a cast on but you bet I can still beat all your asses".

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