Form a circle

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(Click to see a picture of the damn cutest baby duo to ever live).

It was late in the afternoon when Lexi was awoken again by four figures charging into her room.

She shot up quickly and looked at the intruders, sending them a grin as they looked at her and let out a sigh of relief.

"Little Miss, you cant ever scare me like that again" Dwayne rushed out as he headed over to the small girl and pulled her into a hug.

"Sorry Partner" the girl giggled, using her good arm to give him a hug.

He pulled away and Lexi snatched his hat off of his head, resting it on her head as she sent the other three people a grin.

As if it was a stampede, Lexi's three girl teammates charged at her, letting out sobs as they all group hugged the small girl.

"We thought you were dead Allie! Don't ever try to do that to me again" Julie sobbed out as she squeezed the girl causing her to let out a small gasp of pain.

"Broken ribs" she muttered causing the older blonde to quickly apologise. Lexi just sent her a smile, letting her know it was okay.

The girl explained what happened and the 4 friends looked at her in concern. "I'm a basket case" she teased as she looked at Julie and waited for the response.

"That's okay, I like basket cases" the girl said with a laugh. Sadie stepped up to the girl, the pair doing their handshake. "When I said you were my ride or die Lexi I didn't literally mean die" Sadie laughed softly, causing Lexi to grin and apologise.

Connie was last, Lexi could see the heartbreak in her eyes, her and the girl had been friends since they were 6 and their friendship truly was underrated in the group.

"Hey Con Con" Lexi muttered, holding her arms out for a hug once again.

Connie let out a small laugh of relief and wrapped her arms gently around the girl.

"Don't you ever do that to me again Lexi Lou" Connie stated firmly, causing Lexi to smile at the use of her childhood nickname.

The four sat around for a while before leaving, they were then replaced by Adam who rushed into the room.

The boy only began relaxing when Lexi sent him a smile, it was as if he truly didn't believe she was okay until he saw her face.

The girl had forced him to go home and shower, the boy refused at first but Lexi fired back, informing him she wouldn't hug him until he showered.

Thursday had rolled around and the girl was finally being discharged, there was no real problems, just slight brain swelling that the doctor informed the girl she would need to continue to get monitored to ensure it didn't turn into something much worse.

He also informed her before the hockey season went back she would need to get a clearance, Lexi nodded excitedly just ready to go home.

Adam sat beside her sending her a grin as he too took in the information carefully making sure he missed nothing, because he knew Lexi was bound to forget.

"Let's get you the hell out of here Lexi Conway" she heard the voice of her best friend say, she snapped her attention to the door grinning as she saw him and her two other favourite boys.

"Guy!" The girl yelled out, a grin spreading on her face as she hopped out of her hospital bed and rushed at the boy, wrapping her arms around him, she slipped slightly but the boy held her up as she let out a small laugh

"I missed you" she spoke, it was muffled due to her head being in his chest as he squeezed her softly.

Guy gently picked her up and spun her in a circle, causing her to giggle he was still extremely grateful the girl was alive, he knew he'd never take that little thing they did for granted again.

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