You did what?

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Lexi and Adam met the boy's mother in the hallway, the older woman frowning softly when she saw the obvious distress in her sons eyes.

Her eyes however drifted to Lexi who was already clutching the boy's hand, rubbing circles with her thumb to calm him, Ann smiled in contentment knowing Adam had found someone other than his mother who could teach him what real love and care felt like.

The trio walked out towards the Banks family car, the couple sliding into the backseat. No matter how old they got Adam refused to sit in the front when Lexi was in the car, he always wanted to sit with her and be close to her.

"Thankyou for coming with me gorgeous; I'm so glad I have you" the girl muttered to her boyfriend, her head resting on his shoulder as they began the journey to her house.

Adam simply placed a kiss on the side of the girl's head causing her to smile, "you make me the luckiest guy in the world Lexi Conway" the boy spoke softly.

The couple sat in peaceful silence, Lexi absentmindedly playing with Adams fingers as he held his hand in hers, the only noise was the occasional comment from Ann Banks who smiled at the love of the young teens.

The women had known for years that they truly were one of those couples that was meant to be together forever.

It took about 15 minutes for the three to make it to North Hennipen Avenue. Lexi walked into her house quietly, her boyfriend trailing after her as per usual. Wherever there was a Lexi Conway there was always an Adam Banks close behind.

The couple just been dropped off by Mama Banks who begged Adam to come home and talk to his father soon, it had been months since they had had a proper conversation.

Adam looked unsure so his mother didn't push him, simply telling the pair she loved them before she continued to her driveway next door.

As Lexi headed inside her house the girl was praying Charlie wasn't home, she wasn't ready to tell him yet.

Lexi's constant bad luck struck again as she walked into the lounge room, jumping slightly as she saw her brother sitting and playing Mario kart.

The girl stood frozen, watching as her brother finished the race before he turned to her. Adam reached out and gently grabbed the girl's hand to comfort her.

Charlie sent them a smile, causing the girl to send a nervous one back, she'd been too busy worrying about herself and didn't think about how her brother would feel about the situation.

"Where have you guys been? I got home to finish UNO and no one was here, I had loads of draw fours I wanted to hit you with Lexi" the boy teased, the couple exchanged glances and Adam sent the girl a reassuring nod.

"Please don't be mad at me" the girl began, causing her brother to look at her in confusion. The girl felt anxiety grip her as her brother stared at her, waiting for her to continue.

"I went to see Josh" the girl muttered softly, she looked at Charlie, waiting for his facial expression to change, waiting for a reaction.

"You did what?" The boy questioned, not wanting to believe what the small girl had said.

Lexi repeated what she had said once again, watching nervously as the boy gritted his teeth, anger on his face.

The girl nervously squeezed her boyfriends hand as her brother stood up and made his way over to them, his tall figure towering over Lexi.

"You went to see him? Without telling me? My own father. What gives you the right to walk in there and see him before me, What do you have to talk to him about? why did you keep it from me?. You're not meant to be keeping secrets from your brother and supposed best friend Alexis, that's snakey" the boy spat, Lexi felt herself begin to panic, her and Charlie were finally in a good place and she ruined it.

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