Lost Cause

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"You're welcome to come to see her," the doctor said softly, as he looked around at the 3 boys and the older woman.

 "Other than a few injuries, it just looks like she's sleeping, talk to her, she might be able to hear you".

The group went to speak but were cut off when a panicked Guy rushed through the hospitals front doors, his eyes landing on the group as he rushed over. 

"Is she okay, she's okay right?" he asked frantically, wiping the tears he had clearly shed in the car.

At that statement Casey Conway let out a sob, covering her mouth and excusing herself from the group.

"Shes conscious right? She just broke something? her leg?" he muttered as he looked at the three boys, "For god sake, someone talk to me" Guy yelled frustrated, the longer the silence last the more he freaked out.

"She was hit by a car" Charlie muttered, getting Guys attention to snap to him "she died, they've tried to bring her back but they don't know, it's pretty slim the doctor said". The boy stuttered out, tears brimming his eyes yet again.

"No" was all Guy muttered as he anxiously tugged at his hair. "Stop it, stop it, you're hurting me" the boy gasped out, tears filled his eyes.

"She died? Oh my god, Little Lexi" the boy said again as he covered his face with his hands and let out quiet sobs.

The three boys all embraced him in a hug, the four of them crying for their lost friend.

They managed to calm themselves down enough to hold it together enough to go see Lexi Conway. Casey had rejoined the group and Charlie had his arm around her.

The doctor stopped them at the door, preparing them for what they were about to see. Nothing though would prepare for Adam Banks to see his cutie lifeless in a hospital bed.

The door was open and the group stood in the doorway their eyes automatically drifted to the small girl, her arm was in a cast and there were cuts and bruises all over her face and body.

Other than that it truly looked like Lexi was sleeping, although she was extremely still. "It's just like she's sleeping" Charlie breathed out.

"She should be on her stomach," Adam said softly to the group, they looked at him, confused at the random statement.

"When shes not literally using me as her bed, she sleeps on her stomach. She's not asleep, shes dead" he pointed out bluntly.

The group all turned to look at Adam, shock and hurt written over their faces.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know how to handle this" The boy apologised.

"Excuse me" he muttered before walking out of the room, walking away from the group and taking a second to calm his breathing.

He looked at his hands and noticed the girl's blood staining them.

Adam Banks had never had an anxiety attack but he was sure this was what it felt like, he began trembling and he struggled to breathe as the room spun.

The boy rushed to the bathroom, vigorously scrubbing his hands, attempting to remove all the blood. The boy gripped the sink and looked at the mirror.

He looked at himself and felt anger, how had he let this happen. Before he could even think the boy punched the mirror repeatedly, causing it to shatter.

He watched as his own blood coated his fist and the boy cradled it, sinking to the floor as he sobbed.

Someone quickly opened the door, having heard the smash and saw the heartbroken teen boy on the floor holding his hand.

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