Chapter 16- Cameron

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on the wedding venue•

We reached the church on time and i was in one of the rooms putting on my dress.

and suddenly Cami bursted in through the door.

" Cami , is everything okay ?" i asked as i saw the worried look on her face.

" Lili, fuck shit, there's a problem"

" oh my god! okay. what's it ?" i tried to stay as calm as i could.

" Cameron is here"

And those three words, were the last thing i was expecting. They were ringing like a bell in my ears.

Cameron ? this can't be happening today.

" how'd he get in ?" my voice trembling and the anxiety attack kicking in.

" he was somehow on the guest list, and the way your mom and him met, i'm pretty sure she's the one who invited him"

" of course ! who else" i said, " cami what am i gonna do?"

" i'll get dylan and cole"

" NO, no don't panic them" i replied instantly .

" Lili, he won't have come if wouldn't have an ulterior motive"

" i know, i know"  i said.

Cameron, a guy whom i dated 3 years ago for 6 months. He used to abuse me. Those 6 months were the worst 6 months of my life.  He had put up an act of falling in love with me and just after 3 months we met, he convinced me to move in with him. He used to get drunk and abuse me.

I got out of that hell whole with the help of Cami quickly, but oh god, that man is not a human.

" i'm calling cole" she said and went out of the room.

i started getting flashbacks of all the times he hit me, and forced me to do things i didn't want to.

i was having the worst anxiety attack i could imagine on my wedding day.

i started sobbing, not giving a shit that it was ruining my make up.

i locked the door as soon as i realised that it was unlocked. just in case he figures out where i am.


i was in middle of a conversation with craig and then i saw a panicked a cami rushing towards us.

" what happened" i asked her as she caught her breath.

" Cameron is here" she said.

" whose cameron ?"  i asked confused.

" no time to explain. come on" she said, grabbed my hand and pulled me with her.

" dylan you too" she yelled.

" is Lili okay?" i asked getting more  worried by every second.

" no, i don't think so" she replied panicking me.

We reached where Lili was and the door was locked.

I knocked on the door.

no reply.

" Lili its us" i said as calmly as i could.

the door unlocked and she was crying.

" Lili" i said and hugged her.

As soon as i hugged her, she started crying harder.

" hey hey what happened" i asked rubbing her back.

" My ex is here" she said sobbing " an-and he used to h-hit me"

" WHAT?" i pulled her away, " HE USED TO HIT YOU?"

she looked down at her feet.

" cole i don't feel safe" she said and held my shirt, " i can't go through that again"

i realised that i needed to push my anger away, and be there for her right now.

" hey look at me" i said and held her face in my hands, " he can't hurt you again, from here you'll walk down the aisle with your uncle and after that i will be right by your side the whole evening" 

" oh my god i've ruined our wedding" she said crying more.

" what ?! no you haven't"

" you are not supposed to see me in my dress. it's bad luck"

" i think we've survived enough bad luck for 4 years" i said with a little laugh and kissed her forehead.

she hugged me in response.

" guys the ceremony will start in another 15 minutes" cami said.

" oh my god no, my makeup is ruined, i can't do it again in 15 minutes" Lili said panicking even more.

" cami quick hand me those wet tissues or whatever they are called"

she chuckled and handed them to me.

" you don't need make up Lil" i said and started removing her makeup, as gently as i could.

" cole we've gotta go" dylan said.

i nodded at him.

i stood up and cupped Lili's face in my hands.

" you look beautiful" i said softly and there it was, the smile i was dying to see, " i love you".

" i love you so much" she replied and i kissed her cheeks and left.

I was told to stand at the altar and wait, for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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