Chapter 15- Morning

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27th November, Morning
•The Wedding Day•


I woke up with the biggest smile on my face, in a long time. 
I am getting married, to the one person who my heart will love forever.

No matter how we got here, at least we did and about what my mom did, well, that is a story for tomorrow. Today i'll be happy.

and then suddenly i felt someone's hands cover my eyes.

" good morning my love"
it didn't take me a second to realise it was cole.

" cole?! what are you doing here, if cami sees you, she will literally kill you"

" she said we can't SEE each other" i've covered your eyes and my eyes are also sorta closed" he chuckled.

" what are you doing here" i said holding his arms.

" i came here to say good morning but mostly to do this" he said and kissed me softly.

he pulled away and i could feel the smile on both of our lips.

" i love you" he whispered, his lips still lingering over mine.

" i love you too cole" i whispered.

" i'll meet you at the altar"

i again leaned in to kiss him, but he went out the door within seconds.

i sighed not being able to kiss him again, but remembered that after today, i'll have everyday for the rest of my life to kiss him.

i sighed again, but in love this time.

i got up, took a shower and got out of my room to see Cami and my mom going crazy.

" good morning guys"

how did cole sneak in through all this ?

" LILI ! get in your room ! cole is in the guest bedroom" cami said and pushed me inside my room.


" how does it even matter ? they are gonna get divorced in an year anyhow"  my mom laughed.

" about that" dylan said, and i chuckled at his expression.

" what? why are all of you looking at me like this? WAIT A MINUTE have you guys planned some scheme ?!?" she panicked.

" no" i laughed " cole and i-"

before i could complete my sentence cole screamed from inside " we are back together"

" WHAT ?!?" she screamed way too loud.

" yeah and this time you can't threaten cole to leave me" i said.

" i don't know what you are talking about" she said getting back to what she was doing.

" don't act so naive mom, i know everything, so clean up your act, because after today i am done with you"

" Lili-"

" save it. today is my day and i don't want anything ruining it"

" OUR DAY" cole again screamed form inside, making cami and dylan laugh.

i chuckled lightly  and went back in my room.  i felt such a big burden get off my shoulder.

" Lili i am so proud of you" dylan said entering my room quietly with cami.

" me too girl!" cami said and hugged me.

" it does feel good to get that off my chest" i smiled, " is cole ready to leave?"

" he was just going to have a bath" dylan replied and i just nodded my head.

" i should go take a shower too"

" yeahhh we'll get late otherwise, we'll do your make up and hair and you put the dress on there" cami said.

" yes yes cami i remember the plan" i replied laughing and went to take a shower.

oh god, please just nothing go wrong today.

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