Chapter 10- The Photoshoot

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November 23rd, 5.30 AM•
4 days to the wedding


i just woke up, and it was an understatement to say i had no energy in me, and i had to do a photoshoot.

i mean, 6.00 am? seriously?

i had a shower, he specifically told me to only pack solid coloured clothes, no denims and nothing fancy.

so, i take out a black solid dress, a pastel pink skirt with a tube top, a brallete with some basic linen pants.

and i text him to bring a white shirt.

and its 6.00 am already.

right now, i was just wearing a hoodie and shorts.

i went down the stairs to see him waiting in his jeep.

" why'd you get the jeep?" i ask.

" good morning to you too" he says, looking cheery.

" how are you so energetic right now"

" because unlike you, i am a morning person" he said, annoying me.

" it's god for saken 6 in the morning"

" we'll grab coffee, don't worry" he laughs.

" now that is something i need and i like "

he chuckled and i smiled at him.

we grabbed coffee and then head towards the countryside.

the sun was rising, and it looked so pretty.

there was no one on the road except us, and slow music was playing in the car.

" okay outfit 1. put it on right now"

" right now?!"

" yes" he replies.

" but where" i ask.

" in the car" he replies unbuckling his seat belt.

" change quick" he said and got out of the car.

" don't look" i say loudly.

" it'll be nothing i haven't seen before" he laughed.

" shut up"

i change into the tube top and linen pants.

" hey cole?" i call out.

" yeah?" he asked looking at me now.

" did you bring the white shirt" i ask.

" yupp, i got a blue one too"

" oh great. should i wear a shirt with these pants" i ask coming out of the car.

" i don't think so, you are looking good like this" he said looking up and down.

" great thanks, but be quick it's fucking cold"

he just laughed.

we clicked a few photos in the middle of the road.

" are you done" i asked shivering a little.

he came quickly towards me.

" come on" he said and put his jacket around me.

" i swear if i get sick i'll kill you"

" i didn't tell you to wear such revealing clothes"

i just roll my eyes.

he wraps his arms around me in order to make me stop feeling cold.

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