Chapter 6- Paparazzi

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November 15th•


Today was the day, when they both were going shopping.

Lili was already at a boutique with cami choosing her wedding dress.

and Dylan and Cole were at the tailor giving fitting for the suits.

" so how are you holding up" dylan asked cole.

" fine i guess"

" why did dad drag you into this?"

" why do you think" cole chuckled.

" obviously money"

" you've got it right"

" he's just way too selfish"

" i can't disagree to that" cole said.

" how's Lili holding up?"

" i think she's okay"

" that's good. but you clearly are not"

" i mean yeah, i kind of broke her heart and now she's being dragged into a marriage with me"

" you are being dragged too"

" it's worse for her"

" all jokes aside, you love her don't you" dylan said.

" i'll always love her, but she won't"

" why do you think that?"

" dylan, she can have any guy she wants, why on earth will she want me"

" because she loved you too and trust me she still has something for you"

" why do you think that?"

" i know that brother" dylan snickered, " you know, you never told me why you broke up with her if you still love her"

" i really don't want to talk about that, it's been 4 years"

" exactly, it's been 4 years and you still love her, that's not normal cole"

" i'll always have something. for her in me, it's beyond my control"

" why don't you tell her?"

" are you out of your fucking mind"

" don't then, you'll regret it, live in suffocation for the next one year"

" dylan i can't"

" but why"

" because she'll just get hurt, and i can't see her hurt"

" you are crazy"

" maybe" cole nervously laughed.


i was lying on my bed, going and back and forth on my phone, thinking if i should text or call her.

stop. stop. stop.

what is happening to me?

fucking dylan, all of this is his fault.

i turn off my phone and put it on the side.

i really can't sleep.

" fuck it" i said and called her.

" heyy" she said answering the phone.

" hey. did you find a dress"

" yess, it's gorgeous" she replied, and i could just feel her smiling.

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