Chapter 2- The Planning Begins

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november 3rd, night•

That meet went pretty decent, i mean we didn't fight, so that's good i guess.

but it was the first time in 4 years we talked, and i expected things to be awkward, but they weren't, not at all.

as much as i don't want to say it, i had a good time, in these past years of me loathing him, i actually forgot what a fun person he is to be around.

with all the sarcasm and wit he has a charm, which can't go unnoticed.

i opened my phone to text him.

when is the wedding planning starting?

i deleted that, it was too straight forward.

we have a wedding to plan, let's meet tomorrow.

nooo, Lili, that's going to sound like you are desperate to meet him.

hey, i had a good time, thanks for lunch.

what is wrong with me? i didn't go on a date or something.

soooooooo, sup

i have lost it.

and then i decided to call my best friend, and tell her what's happening.

" heyyy Lil" she said picking up the phone.

" cam, can you come over, it's urgent"
i said tapping my feet nervously.

" yeah yeah sure, is everything okay?"

" i really don't think so"  i replied.

" reaching in 10. bye." she said and hung up.

" Lili, what's up" she asked entering my apartment.

" my mom fucked up"

" what did she do this time"

" she's getting me married"


" i know."

" to who?"

" Mr. Cole Sprouse, who broke my heart 4 years ago"

" oh my god, why"

and then i explained it to her.

" please tell me you are not going through with this"

" i am, it's just for a year and my mom will probably kill me emotionally if i don't " i said.

" Lili you know i can help you runaway" she winked.

" oh shut up. we are adults, and i don't know, i met him yesterday"

" you met him? he was a jerk to you wasn't he?!"

" no, not at all, actually i enjoyed, i forgot how much fun he is to be around"

" was it a date?"

" what?! no!!"

" he's technically your fiancé right now"

" oh jeez, don't say it like that" i said growling.

and then we talked for a few hours.

" cami, i have to ask you something"

" mmhmm"

" will you be my maid of honor?" i laugh.

" yes bitch, even though i would have been much more happier if you would be getting married for real, and not a business deal"

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