Chapter 14- 4 years

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26th November, Night


After one whole day of running errands for the wedding, it would be an understatement to say Cole and I were dead tired.

Running around the whole of NYC is not at all fun or easy.

We had a few arguments on how to do things, but all was well.

But since the time we've returned, Cole and his dad have been fighting in the balcony. 

It's been almost an hour, and i'm getting worried.

I decided to go there and try to end it, after all i have known the both of them my whole life, they are practically family.

As i got closer to the door of the balcony, i could actually hear what they were fighting about.

" I don't get what the fuck is your problem dad, 4 years ago you threatened Dylan's life if i didn't break up with Lili for a fucking affair with Amy. you stole away the love of my life, the person who i was supposed to be end up with, and NOW when i finally moved on and accepted the fact that i am never going to get her back, you are fucking forcing me into this marriage-" (cole said)

My mom and Coles Dad?

i couldn't control my emotions and started to cry.
My mom has been cheating on my dad since the past 4 years.

Cole knew? cole knew about fucking all of this and told me nothing.

Love of his life? oh my fucking god this is too much to take in.

" you are a disappointment" i heard Matt say to him.

That's it. that's fucking it.

i bursted in through the door.

" He is a disappointment? the guy whose marrying his ex so that you don't go in a loss? the guy broke up with me for you ? You are fucking having an affair with a married woman and he is a disappointment?-"

" Lili you heard all that" cole interrupted me

"yes i fucking heard all that, and you don't talk to me, you fucking knew everything and didn't tell me anything. I am done with you, Cami was right i shouldn't have fallen in love with you again, she was right you always seem to find a way to hurt me" i said and ran towards the main door of my apartment, i couldn't stay there anymore.


Cole ran right after her, and before she could get in the elevator, pulled a sobbing Lili by her arm.

" You can't just run away after saying all that"

" why ? you ran away first and after everything i heard in there, i expected no great out of my mother, but you? you were supposed to be the good one cole"

"Lili please just let me explain myself, just once"

" why should i ?"

" because you love me, that's why"

Lili started to cry even more and pushed him away, and tried to get away.

cole got ahold of her and held her by her waist.

" leave me" she sobbed.

" first you hear me out, then i'll do whatever you want me to"

" do i have a choice?" she said looking down.

" Dylan had just started setting up his business and it was going really well for him, my dad knew a way for it to all go down for dylan. I caught him and your mom kissing and he threatened me with that if i told you."

" so you chose protecting Dylan's BUSINESS over me?"

" just listen" cole said and pulled her closer, " i was about to call you, but he broke my phone and your mother threatened telling the whole world you suffer from body dysmorphia and suffer from depression. I couldn't let her do that to you and ruin your career" coles eyes were leaving tears as he spoke.

" WHAT?!"

" Your dad and your mom have never been on good terms and their divorce has been in works since the past 2 years, so don't entirely blame your mom on the cheating part. When given a choice between saving yours and dylan's careers over my happiness, i chose your both's careers"

" oh my fucking god. and what about my happiness?"

" Lil you are an amazing woman, any guy would die to have you and keep you happy for the rest of your life"

" i never wanted any guy cole, there's always been just one" Lili said crying slightly.

he pressed there foreheads together and looked into his glossy eyes, from his own tear filled ones.

and he whispered " i'll love you till my very last breath reinhart"

Lili closed her eyes mid crying, stood on her toes and kissed him.

it was next to hard for the both of them to pull away.

" life has been way too unfair for the both us" she whispered.

" but finally in whatever twisted way, it's us getting married to each other finally" he chuckled crying.

both of there tears weren't ready to stop.

" even god couldn't see both of us apart" Lili said looking at him.

" it just took him an extra 4 years to set life on the right path" cole laughed, and it was followed by a comfortable silence between the two.

" i love you cole" Lili said breaking the silence.

and before he could reply, they were met with the elevator door opening and a shocked cami.

" WHAT ?!?" cami screamed.

Lili laughed and hugged cole, while her face tilted towards her bestfriend.

" lili reinhart what the fuck is happening"

" It's a long story my friend" she chuckled.

" you two are back together?" she asked.

" yes" they both replied in unison.

" but what about last time Lil?"

" i'll explain everything to you" she replied.

and faster than light, Cami pulled Lili away from Cole.

" now that this wedding is not all false pretences, WE ARE DOING IT THE RUGHT WAY !" cami squealed " oh my god my best friend is getting married for real"

Lili laughed at Camis excitement.

" you both will see each other next on the altar and not one look before that"
she commanded the both of them.

" Cam as much as i love you, i just got back together with Lili and i would love to spend some real time with her, without the awkwardness and nervousness"

" you have ONE HOUR and not a minute above that"

" thank you thank you so much, i'll remember this favour for the rest of my life" cole said laughing and pulled Lili back towards him.

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