Chapter 9- The Morning After

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November 22nd, Morning•
5 days to the wedding


i wake up to a really bad headache.

i groan.

but then i realise, that i am laying on top of coles bare chest and i'm FUCKING NAKED.

i get out of the bed quickly and wear my clothes lying on the floor.


a shooting pain goes through my head, and i don't know what to do.

and when i was standing there realising what just happened he woke up.

he saw me, squinted his eyes, and then realisation struck him too.

" WOAH WOAH" he screams.

i stand there biting my nails.

" why the fuck am i naked"

" i was as drunk as you were"

i nervously tap my foot.

" what happened last night?" he asked.

" i wish i remember" i whisper.

" did we have-"

" yes. i think we did" i reply, " oh god cole"

" fuck" he curses.

" you can not tell anyone, not even dylan about this"

" obviously" he replies.

" shit, this never happened. let's just forget about it"

" yeah yeah okay"

" you and i didn't do it"

" but we technically did-" before he could finish his sentence i gave him a death stare.

" get dressed quickly" i said and went and sat on the kitchen bar stool.

" fuck" i curse.

" can you give me advil or something for the headache" he said coming out of my room and put on his t-shirt.

" yeah wait a minute" i said getting up.

" so, 5 days huh" he says.

" yup just 5 days left"  i reply.

i give him the advil with water. 

" so are you all packed?" i asked cole.

" yeah, i'm all packed"

" when are you moving in?"

" on 26th" he said.

he gulps down the medicine.

" thank you for the medicine"

" no problem" i smiled weakly.

"i'll get going"

" okay, bye"

" bye" he replied.

what the fuck happened last night?

how drunk did we actually get, that we slept together.


i spent the whole day pacing around my house about what had happened.

' now things will just get awkward' i thought continuously.

how will i keep it away from cami?

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