Chapter 4- A Long Day

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i saw Lili fell asleep on my shoulder and i chuckled.

i softly lifted her head off my shoulder and put it on the pillow.

i looked at the wedding invite.

it looked so stunning, i guess we are a good team.

i switched off her laptop and kept it on the nightstand.

without me knowing, i just pressed a kiss on her forehead.

after doing it, i realised what i had done, and was shocked.

n-no this cant be happening.

i got off the bed and went and slept in the guest bedroom.

i laid there, thinking what i had just done.

she hates me, i broke her heart 4 years ago.

why will she ever want anything to do with me again?

this marriage is just a one year contract, it means nothing to her.

with a thousand more thoughts i fell asleep.

November 9th, morning•


i woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs.

i was a little confused, and checked the time.

it was 9.00 AM.

did mom come?

i got up from bed and went outside.

" Mom?!" i called out.

" wait your mother is coming?"
cole asked, shocking me.

" wait what are you doing ?"

" making breakfast"

" huh?" i said and sat on the bar stool by the counter.

" yes ma'am" he said and put the plate
with bacon, eggs and toast in front of me.

" thanks" i whispered and he passed me a smile.

" you stayed the night?" i asked.

" don't worry, i slept in the guest bedroom, i was too tired to drive"

" oh it's fine" i replied and started to eat, he passed me the cup with coffee too.

" you are a pretty good cook" i said looking at him.

" mhmm i know" he smirked.

" at least one year of good food everyday" i laughed.

" hey i'm not making food always, you gotta cook sometimes too"

" yeah yeah we will see about that" i laughed.

we watched a little bit of netflix and then suddenly my mom bursted through the door.

" oh jesus christ mom, you scared the shit out of me"

"watch your language Lili" she said making me roll my eyes and focus back on the TV, " wait, cole you are here too"

" yeah" he replied looking at her.

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