Chapter 13- Moving In

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November 26th
a day to The Wedding


and another morning waking up in Mr. soon to be husbands arms.

He looked so peaceful sleeping, his eyes closed, lips parted, his jet black hair all over his forehead.

for the first time in 4 years, i didn't run at the sight of him in the same bed as me.

he broke my heart into pieces 4 years ago and with all the all energy i have in me, i did not want to give him that chance again.

For gods sake, to this day and i don't know why he broke up with me.

we had talked about it all, getting married, having kids together and it hadn't even been 2 months since we had moved in together.

And one day, he came back from work, without any reason packed up all his stuff and with a plain simple " i can't do this anymore" left.

he changed his number, blocked me and vanished within hours from my life.

I want to ask him, i want the closure i never got, but deep down i don't want to hear those words, i know they'll break me, again.

And then i realised, ADDY.

she slept with us last night.

I got up with a jerk and coke woke up too.

"owww" he groaned holding his neck, " lili you broke my neck"

" where's addy?" i asked worried, looking on the floor if she fell down.

" calm down" he said and pulled me from my shoulders towards him, " she woke up at 5 in the morning to go to Sarah"

i sighed in relief and fell back on the bed, and i saw him chuckling.

"what?!" i furrowed my brows.

" you sprained my neck Reinhart"

" oh crap" i got up in worry again and held his neck " i am so sorry"

" ehh it'll be okay" he replied.

" wait i'll grab you the pain relief cream" i pulled it out from my nightstand.

" do you want me to put it?" i asked softly.

" no no it's okay, i'll do it myself"

" okay" i said disappointed, but it's okay.

i walked out of my room and made breakfast.

cole followed me behind to the kitchen.

" it's okay i'll make coffee today" i said chuckling, "but if it's bad don't blame me "

" okay" he said smiling, " so the movers and packers will came by 10"

The move in. oh yes. how'd i forget about that.

" okay cool" i said nervously.

" it's just my clothes and a few other things don't worry"

" no no i am not worried at all" i said nervously again.

" and i'll park all my stuff in the guest room"

" that's the plan !" i chuckled nervously again.

" Lili are you sure okay? you sound weird"

" i'm fine" i said in a high squeaky voice.

" sure" he replied.

All of his stuff came, and he just dumped it all in the guest room.

Damn this one year is going to be crazy.

Coles dad is coming over today for last minute things, because after all tomorrow is the big day.

We have some last minute arrangements to do, and the whole day is going to go in that.

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