Chapter 7 - Me Time

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November 18th•

10.00  AM

I wake up to some noises coming from the kitchen, honestly at this point i was neither surprised nor scared, i had gotten used to it.

my apartment had become " The Wedding Apartment". 

it had become very very annoying, beyond my limit.

i put on some shorts and went outside.

" good morning my soon to be bride"i heard cole say.

" morning sis in law" dylan said.

" i will kill you both" i groan and lay down on the couch.

" you walked from your bedroom to here, just to lay down on the couch and sleep" dylan said and i showed my middle finger to him.

" it's already bad enough that we woke her up" cole said, might i add laughing.

" i am actually relieved it's just the two of you and not some assistant or designer or worker or some bullshit"
i say.

" wow you seem frustrated" cole said.

" yeah, very much and i swear to god i will kill whoever comes into this apartment today" i said.

" cole let's go, i wanna live"  dylan said.

i just groan in response.

" i am sorry, if you want we can go" cole said.

" no it's fine, you both can stay"

" we got you coffee" dylan said.

" yes now you both can definitely stay" i laugh.

cole handed me the starbucks cup.

" thanks" i whisper.

12.00 PM

" hey cole" i call out.

" yupp"

" can i ask you for a favour?"

" yeah sure" 

" can i please just go to your apartment today and you handle everything here today, if that's okay with you"

" you can obviously go, but is everything okay?"

" it's just that i don't think i can handle my mother or basically anyone today, i need a break from all this, and living in this apartment is driving me crazy"

" there you go" he said pulling out his house keys.

" enjoy your day, i'll be here all day and take care of everything"

" thank you so much" i said and hugged him.

" seriously, you don't have to"

" you are dropping me too"

" now that's taking advantage" he said.

" thank you sooooo much cole" i said and went in my room.

i just quickly took my macbook and my phone charger with a book.

" let's go" i said and ruffled his hair expecting him to get annoyed, but he didn't.

and we reached his place.

" you want me to come up and explain where is what"

" cole, i'm pretty sure you yourself don't know where is what, and plus i'm just going to watch netflix all day" i laugh.

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