Chapter 11 - Addy Incoming

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November 24th, Morning•


i woke up to Lili's head on my chest and my hands wrapped around her.

what is happening with us?

i carefully wake up and see its 8.30.


i curse and get out of bed.

i have to the be in the office in an hour. i have a shower, change my clothes and head out the door.


i rush back inside and write on a post it,

going to office, made coffee for you.

and stick it on Lili's phone.


10.00 am

i wake up, and realise i'm in Cole's apartment.

i grab my phone to check the time and saw a post it stuck on it.

i groan and hit the pillow again staring at the post it.

what is he doing to me?

first we slept together, then he kissed me and now this.

i don't know how much longer will i be able to control my feelings anymore.

he broke my heart last time i was in love and he probably will again.

we are getting married in 3 days, i mean we are already acting like a married couple.

oh god, someone please tell me what's gonna happen.

at night,

i was flooded with emotions, i am getting married in 2 days.

that's just CRAZY.

tomorrow all the last minute work has to be done and the day after cole is moving in.

i'll be out the door mostly tomorrow because of the last minute work.

but it's CRAZY.

i put on FRIENDS to watch, and mainly to calm my nerves.

also, addy and Aunt Sarah are also flying in tomorrow for the "wedding" and they don't know the truth .

and mom said they shouldn't even get to know.

but my little ray of sunshine is flying in tomorrow, so i'm happy.

and in the meantime, my phone rang.

it was Cole.

" hey" i said picking it up.

" the wedding decorator just called, she wants us there tomorrow by 12 pm"

" ohhh i have to pick up Addy and Aunt Sarah from the airport around 4"

" so first we can go to the venue, then grab lunch and then pick up Addy"he said.

" ahaa great sounds like a plan"  i said " so i'll pick you up around 11.30?" i asked.

" great"

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