20: Euphoria

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Ignore the mistakes please.
Authors pov:

euphoric, gleeful, electrified they both are feeling right now while kissing each other. For jeonguk he thinks the things which brought him to heaven is nothing but taehyungs addictive lips, soft and pillowy, sweet and plump which moulds perfectly with jeonguks own lips.

their lips moving in sensual way, sighing as they poured their emotions in it, taehyungs slender fingers found their way to jeonguks brown hair and cupping elders face with other hand.

jeonguk kissed hard pouring his frustation of his unnamed feelings, yet drowning in youngers addictive taste, taehyung moaned when jeonguk sucked his bottom lips, tilting his head to side to deepen the kiss as much as much possible.

taehyung has to pull away when a slight wave of pain pierced through his chest, making him struggle to breath evenly.

"Shit I'm sorry baby" jeonguk uttered concern laced over his face, looking at taehyungs pained expression.
Taehyung shook his head, rests his head against jeonguks broad hard chest breathing quite heavily, biting his lips to refrain himself for escaping whimper.

"Sugar lips, should I----should I call doctor? You doesn't look fine baby" jeonguk said hugging tae tight in his arm planting a soft buss on latters temple.
taehyung smiles faintly though brunette couldn't see it, he snuggles more into his chest inhaling deeply,

"no need---just be here with me I'll be fine then" taehyung says speaking truth, jeonguk has heal him and he still does and will always do.

the brunette was taken aback but nevertheless nodded his head, rocks taehyung back and forth lightly

"I'm sorry----beacause of me your breat-" taehyung hushed him by covering others mouth with his palm, lifting up his head a little to see those brown eyes.

"you did nothing kook, it's just us craving for each other---isn't it? " taehyung says in whispers with a hint of shyness in his tones, jeonguk chukles nodding his head in agreement.

"I want to take shower--- hospital smell is Lingering around me" taehyung pouted with crunching his nose in disgust, he hates hospital
Jeonguk nods his head smiling a little.
he picked up tae in bridal style who yelp in surprise and instantly wrapping his arm around brunettes neck.

"you take shower, by the time I'll make soup for you" jeonguk says walking up stairs in his room, then walks in washroom settling tae on sink.

he pecked on taes lips then turns around to fill the tub up.
taehyung was happy ,so happy, the care, love, adoration jeonguk was showing him made him overwhelmed,his eyes was darted on jeonguk noting every moves of brunette, the glory he has achieved by being loved by jeonguk  he finds it's as a dream---a beautiful one.

jeonguk smiles looking at taehyung who was drown in jeonguk---in jeonguks love

"what's the matter bub"? jeonguk asks tucking taehyungs silver strands behind his ear.
taehyung shook his head smiling faintly, pulling brunette closer to him,he cupped jeonguk face then plants a soft, tender kiss on brunettes forehead, lets his lips linger there for a while.

Jeonguk was caught off guard but let himself melt in youngers touch that radiate so much warmth, he shut his eyes closed----lives in the moment

"thank you kook, I love you" he confess with no hesitation, he confess bluntly, he confess because he's truly in love---he's deep in love---with jeonguk

jeonguk stares those crystal blue eyes, that scream so many things yet he's unable to hear or read things, but he do sees the honesty, he do believe in taehyungs confession he always does---but he doesn't believe or trust his own self

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now