2: Bet

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Ignore the mistakes pleaseeeeeeee

No one's pov

The next morning, sun was knocking the door to start the new day, but jungkook doesn't wanted to get up from his bed,he groan when his phone began to ring non stop, he cursed under his breath and slide the green button to answer the call.


" Yahh jungkookah, don't tell me you are still sleeping, are you?" Jin shouted from other side of the phone

"hyung, what's the hurry... Please let me sleep for 5 more minutes" he said with a pout in his sleepy husky voice

"I swear jungkook, I'll kick your ass off, I'll be there in 10 minutes get your ass ready" without letting younger to speak he hung up the call

"this hyung" He shook his head , but didn't delay to get off from his comfy bed.

After doing his morning routine He dressed him self in white and blue combination t-shirts with a blue jacket on it and skinny denim.

He smirk looking at himself in the mirror, and ran his finger in his brown soft hair ,he is well aware how handsome and hot he is and that's the reason girls of university can't do anything but drool over his body and of course his handsome face.
He sprayed his favorite perfume on his body, and wore his expensive Rado Watch.

He took his bag and came out of his room, and received a greeting by the servant of his house.

"Sir, your breakfast is ready" One of the servant informed, when he was walking down to stairs,he noded his head and reached to dining area.

He gulped a glass of orange juice and quickly made his way to towards the door.

"Jungkook, sweety your leaving without greetings your mom? " He turned back to see his mother , and sprinted
to hugg her.

"Sorry...Mom, I'm really getting late. Jin hyung is gonna kill me"

"It's okay sweety.. Come often to meet me okay"? She pecked his cheeks and he pecked her forhead and bid his bye to her.

" Finally, I almost aged waiting for you for so long " Jin said in sarcasm

"Well aren't you already" ? He rolled his eyes and in return earn a smack from elder.

They reached their university, and made their way to cafeteria as there is still more time left for their class.

"you fuckers, betrayed me. I hate you all seriously" Hoseok cursed jimin and yoongi as they both were only there beside him until Jin and Jungkook joined them too.

"So hyung what did they do? To hear such pleasant words from you" Jungkook teased and in return he just got a death glare from hoseok

"Woohh..woohhh..what? what did I do"? He backed away and asked in confusion

" you all are fuckers, you left me in the club all alone last night" He crossed his arm over his chest with a pout

"ohhh so this is the reason you are roaring, well hyung it's your fault" He laughed

"hunh? how's that even my fault" ? He got little defensive on jungkooks words

"Excuse me Mr. You were being whole drunken head in the club last night, when we tried take you with us you know what you did? you started cursing us for nothing and accused us that we are trying to kidnapp you, you fucker"

Jimin slammed his hand and pointed his finger to hoseok who gulped looking at furious Jimin

He asked in disbelief

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now