44: Heal

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Ignore the mistakes please
Authors pov:

"Taehyung" in the night whisper his voice was loud and clear that tore the serene silence. Jeonguk was still on his position and has held taehyungs hand tight, the sudden trepidation rosed up and different scenario begin to play in his mind.

Fear of losing is the biggest fear and it's heartbreaking, it brings heart ache, anxiety, eternal pain and sleepless night, and jeonguk has lived his all days long without taehyung and it was pure torture, a hell of ride and he doesn't wanted to live in there again, he gulped with the thought how he would make sehun understand or beg to let go of taehyung because that ethereal boy belongs to him no one else but him they are born to be each others fate.

Taehyungs tears contine to prick down from his eyes as he denies to give any rejoinder to the voice and he continue to stare jeonguk with eyes that holds love and longing,as if he is a star and taehyung always been a star gazer,he stared him as if he has seen him for first and he cant look away, he stared him same as how an artist would stare a master piece of art, jeonguk flashes a helpless smile as he kisses taehyungs knuckles and warmth spread through each fibre of taehyung and jeonguk strenuously gets up with his wobbly leg and his tearful eyes trailed towards the tall guy standing right before his eyes whose face is morphed with unreadable expression and that was not the only person he caught the site of ,all the hyungs were there biting on their lips and holding onto their breath as they stood there to witness whatever the scene is yet to come.

"Sehun, I --- I" he begin to speak but the words couldn't spill out, his throat went dry and his vision went blur due to the sea of tears that pooled in his eyes ,he felt helpless, he wanted to scream say it out loud so many thing but he couldn't, the mere thought of living life without tae was like he is been rip in two.

"so you finally stole him away----ahh"

Sehun heav sighs and cold air puffed out from his mouth, his corner of eyes were wet and jeonguk couldn't pick his word as bewildered epression was edged on his face, his lips quivered and he felt a small tug on his coat, he slightly moved his head down and he saw taehyungs holding on to his coat like a small kid whose soft puffy sob were echoing on every now and then.

"jeon jeonguk" sehun calls his name venomsly as he took long stride toward the two broken soul he glanced at taehyungs whose side of the face was visible that was shining under the moon light and he again was breathless but he held all his raging feeling and sighs, chuckles bitterly.

"you didn't stole him actullay, it was me who was trying to be a heart theif of his, Actually it was me who was trying to steal him away----but that's highly impossible when he is already yours---he was nothing but a soul without his heart, and I failed to charm him in all way--- I lied--- I lied about we being togther just to make an idiot like you to realise what you are about to lose--- and see that worked I guess"

he says with soft laugh and jeonguk and taehyungs has an expression as if they have been thrown into a deep ocean and are gasping for air, they felt like a truck has ran over their body--- their ear were buzzing and shocked was all written over their face.

They hears a series of giggles from their hyung as they all stood beside sehun , though their eyes are glinsing with happy tears as they all harked back to the day seokjins birthday

"what do you think? why did i lie"?
he asks and epiphany crashes over all of them, kai was quick to rush toward him and hug his crying friend.

"if we wont feed him some porkies and make him realise what he is on verge of to lose,if wouldn't undertand.he is that sick bastard that need to told thing or else he gonna hurt him self and taehyung" he breaths out through his cracked voice as he tried hard to not cry.

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