21: Poignant

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Pictures credit to rightful owner💜

Ignore the mistakes pleassss

Authors pov:
biting his lips, gaze set down on the floor, hand clasped together, jeonguk was all ready to receive a smack at any time soon, as he was surrounded by his hyungs with raging eyes, arms folded over their chest.

"so when were you planning to tell us"? jin spoke with a hint of disappointment in his tone, blowing away the thick silence between them,

"i---i was, messed up. I couldn't make my self to call or text you, I was scared" jeonguk says politely, in a tone that holds so much pain.

they sigh hearing the brunette, their anger flew away looking at jeonguk dejected face, but there was Namjoon staring jeonguk with void emotions.

jin scoot besides jeonguk pulled him in a hug.

"he's fine now so don't worry, and we were being dramatic asses so don't bother about us" he soothes younger, caressing his back, and jeonguk was in desperate need of comfort, he wanted to cry and scream but he held it all in, they pulled apart and jeonguk eyes finally met with namjoon, and he could see others eyes filled with anger, disappointment, sadness and hint of concern and love---like a elder brother.

Jeonguk admires namjoon alot and he couldn't stand to let namjoon be upset with him, he wants to have a conversation with namjoon he wants to apologize and he wants to hug him and shout out loud that yes he was right, right about his feelings for taehyung that yes he's in love with taehyung and he doesn't want to let go of him, he wants to share every thing to namjoon.

"anyways what did doctor say?what exactly happened to my baby"? jimin speaks, snapping jeonguk and namjoon from their staring contest.

"I didn't had any encounter with doctor, but---but baekhyun said that tae has weakness because of nutrients lacking--- that's it" jeonguk sighes looks at jimin as it was him who asked

"hmm poor baby, it's okay from now on we will make sure to keep him on a good diet" Jin says with love while softly caressing jeonguk brown hair.

"it's good you brought him here,this way he'll be in under our care. but---how did baekhyun even let you take tae here"? hoseok furrowed his eyebrows in need of  instant reply from jeonguk who aprises them about taehyungs outbreak, they exchanged confused glance to each other with concern laced on their face worried about youngers outbreak for certain unknown reason.

"drop it here for now, we will think of any way to grilled taehyung up about his roughs may be he'll open up later" jimin says and they all nods in agreement.

their conversation regarding tae and then university continued with jeonguk being lost in his own world,jin quickly swift to kitchen to make dinner for them and something special for his favorite baby bear, jimin , yoongi, and hoseok were helping each other for setting table in garden area, as they decided they'll have dinner in there, which taehyung loved when he was there for the first time.

Namjoon and jeonguk has to get drinks and snacks for themselves and jin made the two as team,
Jeonguk and Namjoon was quite  through out their grocery shopping. while returning ,walking side beside jeonguk felt namjoons intense gaze were set on him, he gulped loud rubbing his palm together, gathering up all his courage he lifted up his eyes to meet with namjoon

man , he looks scary----If I'll die please god let my soul rest in peace.

he stuttered out, sweat forming on his forehead

"I know what you are about to say jeonguk,just---just tell me one thing are you true with your feelings? are you true to yourself this time"? namjoon asks politely, halting on  his track. and jeonguk was amaze he was left bewildered, how well namjoon knows him as if he's a open book.

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now