24: Mirror

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 Ignore the mistakes please
Long and boring chapter 😔 sorry

Authors pov:

No darkness last forever ,there will alway be a new day new start.taehyung has always beleived that he will never see the light as he always felt that he is in ocean of darkness,deep down somwhere at  bottom. but when jeonguk stepped into his life he saw nothing but the light, he was pulled out from darkness ,his days became brighter and night became serene.taehyung smiles as his eyes brims up a little,waking up in the morning and when his lovers face came in his view he felt nothing but blessed,sun wass up but he is not in mood to get away from the bed.why would he ? when he is wrapped in strong arm of his love his jeonguk who is sleeping with no care in the world.

he was exhausted last night as he had cried alot ,tae felt sorrowful because he think he couldn't do anything for jeonguk to lessen his pain but little did he know for jeonguk he has lit up his life with his exitence.

taehyung traces jeoguks face with the pad of his thumb ,giggles as his thumb traces the mole under his bottom lips which excites him in so many ways----sexy.

he internally scolded himself for being so whipped for jeonguk but at the same time he doesnt really minds it ,i mean who would not be so whipped for jeonguk whose is so perfect in all ways,with well built body, his jaw line, his eyes his lips and his heart--- altruistic, pure, it's like a cotton candy---soft and fragile.

he made a end to all his thought as he kissed jeonguk right on his mole under his bottom lips,his heart beat quiken as he was about to pull back but get roted on spot when strong arm held him tight.

he sudenly grew all shy and burried his face in elders chest with a whiney sound.

"what a good start for the day"  jeonguk huskly says in his morning hoarsy voice which sounds so sexy, it almost made taehyung weak on his knees,taehyung whines but hugs jeonguk with all his mighty making jeonguk body vibrates as throaty chukle erupted from his mouth, relief washes over taehyung after hearing his favourate music-----jeonguk laugh

he lifts his head up throwing away the blanket of shyness ,plants a soft kiss on jeonguks chin then smiles afterwards.

"what a good start for the day" says the same thing as jeonguk,the elders smiles fondly ,hugs tae more tight plants a kiss over the top of youngers head,he shuts his eyes closed for a moment in guilt ,he want to slap him self for being stupid for whatever he had  planned to hurt taehyung,to see him suffer ,to the person who is so slefless,so pure and kind,but thanks to namjoon who made him realize about his feeling which he had shut as he was blinded by his revenge thing. he sighs and snaps his eyes open---blessed is what he feels now, having taehyung in  his arm is all matters.

"i love you" jeonguk confesses boldly voice laced with nothing but truthfulness and candour

"I love you" tae replies back.

the two lover falls in silence letting their heart beat speaks as it was beating erratically.

they finally decided to leave the bed and get ready for the day, jeonguk has to go to university while tae wanted to be at his home first.
With everything decided they showered (separately) and decided to have breakfast in some cafe on their way.

the drive was silent only the soft music was playing which perfectly counterparts to the current moment , both humming it along like a bird--- love bird.

Cause I don't wanna lose you now
I'm lookin' right at the other half of me
The vacancy that sat in my heart
Is a space that now you hold
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy
Comin' back here to you once I figured it out
You were right here all along

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now