34: torment

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Ignore the mistakes please

Author pov:

morning, a new ray of hope to begin the day with yet unlike every day ,today it was cloudy indicating it might rain soon, the day started with the feeling blue, the night which was like decade to pass taehyung just prayed the new day would bring immense of happiness and good luck, he wonder he has started to look at the flip side of everything it's all because of jeonguk who made him a whole different person.

he has been running since he had entered in university in a search of jeonguk who's no where to be found, neither taking his call nor replying to his text, the fragile frame even tried reaching to seokjin and all other hyung but everything was in vain and it started shooting his anxiety and nervousness up,he need to meet him after last night event with his father.

baekhyun and taehyung were seated beside each other ,taehyung nervous baekhyun pissed, as both brother wait for their father to repeat what exactly he just has spilled

"i think you want me to repeat?so like I said...taehyung you are going to America for your treatment, and after your surgery you can continue your study there n-"

"if you are done, then we are leaving. Come on cupcake" baekhyun says, seething in anger doesn't spare a glance to his father as he gets up so does his father

"baek, you might think I'm being harsh but this is the best decision for him, he would recei-" Mr. Kims says, voice louder yet their is a trace of concern.

"cut down with your crap dad, I'm seriously so sick of you" Baekhyun uttered, eyes blazing with anger

"BAEKHYUN" "hyung" Mr. Kim and tae calls his name as the same time yet baek stood their unaffected continue to stare his father with rage.

"taehyung will get the best treatment here and I'll make sure of that, you don't need to worry ,oh well you never did anyway" baek mocks with sarcastic smile, holds taes hand in his own.

"Everything is ready, he's living in two days i have already booked the ticket and his surgery has been schedule too and I'm not hearing any of your nonsense" Mr. Kim shouted, persistent to his decision and tae crying hearing upon his fathers determined decision, the younger gulps tries to control the cry so be able to spill his part as well.

"da- Mr. Kim" taehyung instantly corrects his words---heart breaking so as his words.

"please d-don't, i don't want to go there please---i don't want please appa---" the younger cry, holds baeks hands tight as he pleads to his father but shuts up as his fathers cuts him with his words

" don't call me appa-" Mr. Kim yelled startling the poor guy as he nods his head like kicked puppy while baek stares his father in disbelief, disgused.

"I'm s-sorry, I won't I promise I won't and I'll do everything you asked me to just don't send me America,now I'm scared being alone----lonelyness haunts me, those nightmare haunts me please ap-, im sorry I mean Mr. Kim" he rambles, cries so terrified to be left alone again.

"I'll go with you for your surgery and I'll ask your previous psychiatric to start your treatment again, but you are going America that's final" Mr kim declared, not showing any sign of love Or concern for his younger child.

"Mr.kim" Baek calls making Mr. Kim shocked

"If you'll do that, I'll kill myself and you know I'm damn serious" baekhyun shouts, threats as the only way he found to escape.

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now