43: Naive

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Ignore the mistakes please
Authors pov:

"i wish to get back what's mine"

taehyung whispers oblivious about mariyas wide smile, he tore his gaze from the sky startled with the holler and clamour for taehyungs attention and the gate is being pushed quite harshly , soon the figures that came in gets into clearer view as they kept walking closer, and that couldn't hold taehyung to smile in relief and bliss.

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear taehyungie"

they all sang together in unison and taehyung smiles widely as he finally can see his hyungs, some of them holding ballons, some were holding gift packs, and some were blowing water bubble with bubble stick and in the midle it was baekhyun holding cake with smile on his lips.

He tried to get up from his seat but the very next moment he realised he couldn't do ,so remained where he was, concealing a sligt sadness that rosed a second before.

"happy birthday cupcake" baekhyun chirps as soon as tthey all tood infront of him and he giggles that rang like a music to their ear, they all have been craving for this.

"thank you" he says and take the boquete from jimin as he has streched it out in his hand who kisses taehyungs forehead making him smile softly as he mutters soft 'thank you' to jimin.

"now blow the candles,hurry up" seokjin says and crouches down side to taehyung wheelchair so does sehun as he was standing right there and taehyungs blows the candle and loud sound of clap erupts in front the small cottage house of taehyung.

baekhyun kisses taehyung and sehun didn't miss his chance as well ,once the candles was blown out, and hears teasing hollers of their hyungs on which sehun bit his lips and taehyung face was edged with nothing.

"so did you like the surprise"? Jimin asks subtly changing the flavor of their not so favorite cooked recipe,his face was morphed with unpleasant but eyes were holding love and concern for the younger who has nod his head with his captivating smile on.

"the best" he says and giggles afterward as jimin boop his nose.

"mariya please get this cake inside we shall begin the party here now" sehun says and the other bobs their head in consent with loud shriek.

hoseok being zest among all ,runs toward the center and claps his hand as a sign of something tae couldn't pick until the lights of front yard lit up and firework starts, taehyung couldn't fathom where to look because everything around him was beautiful and enchanting, he looked up in the night sky and then he couldn't look away

his gaze were pinned on the sky as the firework erupted taking away the darkness,there was something in ,that warmed taehyung even in this cold winter, like rainbow in darkness, but that void space in his heart couldn't be filled, he felt lonely and he is certain it would have look more beautiful and enchanting if that one person would be here, a sigh left from his mouth which didnt go unnoticed from sehun as he sat down on his knees and held taehyungs hand in his own, as he continue to  look taehyung.

They all cheers loudly once it ended and now taehyung finally takes the note of the decoration of front yard which he didnt notice before as all the lights weren't on, he expression softens as yoongi who sits in front of him taking his hand in his own, pecking it lightly.

"happy birthday little boy" Yoongi says and taehyung giggles softly.

"Thank you meow meow hyung" He sheepishly utters and everyone laughs while taehyung had a hard time to hold on to his laughter upon reading yoongis expression.

"you naughty little boy" he ruffled his silver hair as he got up from his crouching position, smiles anyways.

It was just the kick start of the night,soon they all settled down on the chair and some on the grassy ground, music running in the background as they all were dancing and playing, taehyung laughs every now and then upon taking the sight of his antics hyungs,
seokjin dancing to some super tuna song he made while other was happily following his dance step.

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