36: culminating

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ignore the mistakes please, no proof reading soooo please ignore, ignore and just ignore

Author pov:

he silently cries holding baekhyuns hand, in the silent room, with dim light and soft rise and fall of baek chest.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry" he utters between his puffy sob, lifts up his head, kisses his brothers back of the hand. stares baeks sleepy face for awhile, sigh before speaking his heart out.

"you won't suffer anymore, because of me... I'm leaving" he says with faints smile, pauses for a second then begins again.

"you are my everything hyung----and see what I have done to you--but not anymore, I'll leave from where I have come from, i can't live here not after all this mess I have caused---i better should live with blurr memories of my past---i guess that's my punishment " he stuttered, trying his best not to break into loud cry.

"hyung---- i couldn't tell you this but, thank you for being there for me,I love you so much---please don't fight with appa anymore for me----and don't chase after me----let me go yeah----just forget there was any brother of yours" he says in a whisper, holds baeks hand more tight than before even when he's the one talking about letting him go--- lier.

he smiles faintly, then breaks into cry again "I'm sorry" whispers.

he has alot to say and wanted baek to hear but the older is out of consciousness and he doesn't has much of courage to say anything morr now

so he abruptly looks around the room and his eyes falls on the paper pad, which probably have baekhyun dietchart and prescription.
he grabs it from the table along with pen. looks at baekhyun for mere seconds then shakes his head and pen downs his unsaid Story.

keeping the paper pad back on the table, he tore off the two paper that he has filled, folding them separately he softly keeps it in baekhyuns front pocket of shirt which is a hospital dress.

he gets up and kisses baekhyuns forehead again and again, last time.

"I love you hyung---so much that I can't describe" he says with a smile,takes the sharp breath and continues again .

"take care,and don't miss me"
he slowly let go of baekhyuns hand and takes the step towards the door, halts before opening the door, he slowly turns around and walks back again, bends down a little and kisses baekhyuns hand and whispered.

"if next life truely happens, i want to born again as your brother and I'll ask god to write a happy story for us at least"

and then he doesn't stop runs out of the room and shuts the door close, finds sehun standing by the door.

he wipes his tear stained cheeks and smiles and sehun wants to tell him that he can cry all he wants, because his here to wipe off those tears but he fight backs all his urge to do so.

taehyung doesn't say anything and take a step but stops as he hears kais voice coming right from his behind.

"tae, your father asked Joseph uncle to pack your belongings---and it's all done. Plane tickets and passport is with me--you have to start for airport by 9 , you have 3 hou-"kai words get swallowed as sehun cuts him off with a glare.

"baby--- you don't have to go , I'll take all your responsibility, don't listen to your father---"

sehun shuts up when taehyung shakes his head, fiddling with his long cylinder fingers, long eyelashes resting like feather.

"i want to go hyung" he says while biting his lips.

"i want to. please just help me with one last thing" taehyung lift up his gaze with hope and there's no way sehun would deny as he gets closer to taehyung , nods his head and taehyung smiles like a baby but it's one of those smiles that didn't reach his eyes.

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now