42: Lantern

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Ignore the mistakes
Authors pov:

Two months before
through his blur and hazy vision he took the note of his ambience, it was hard for him to move even a musle when the picture turned clear and he saw his father and brother standing close to his bed, smiling through their tears.

he couldn't smile neither utter a word and he furrowed when his leg felt numb and lifeless, before he would freak out the doctor informed his condition, due to so much stress to his body after an accident and his open his heart surgery, his leg loss their sensation, and they could say when exactly will it recover, he saw his father crying so was his brother and he just smiles, painlessly.

"hyung--- don't cry" he could only utter that as he father waited for him to say or shout on him but the boy shuts his eyes close after awhile.

"t-tae--- baby I'm sorry" Mr. Kim whispered making taehyung eyes flutter open.

"you have nothing to be sorry ap-- Mr. Kim" he says and Mr. Kim shakes his head through his cry, holds taehyungs hand in his own kisses it.

"pl-please call me appa, son. I want to hear it please--- forgive me my little prince--- forgive me" he cries and taehyung shakes his head as he cries with his father

"appa" he cries and Mr. Kim bursts into loudest cry as he bend down to hug his son who's laying on the hospital bed.

though their confabulation was sorted out but baekhyun hated every part of the past where his brother was treated so badly and he couldn't just forgive his father, he doesn't has a bigger heart as taehyung, though taehyung wasn't so chatty or free with his father or anybody beven after their reunion. whole exobang was standing before him with their head down as they all asked for forgiveness and taehyung being angel smiles with a softest 'its okay', his eyes roamed and scanned in the bunch of his hyungs but he couldn't find the person he's been waiting for.

"where is jeonguk"? he asked and received only silence in returned and a sad smile crept on his face.

he cried when he was told jeonguk condition and he cried even more when they said it was because he thought he lost him as taehyung heart was stopped they moment they reached here.

and just like that he waited for jeonguk to come yet days went by and he was discharged from hospital,but there was no sign of brunette.

it was taehyung who asked to be taken at jeonguk place and no one really could deny the plead, though everyone knew why jeonguk didn't come and why he's avoiding taehyung yet they all kept quiet to give the much needed space and mental peace to brunette.

taehyung kept knocking the door of jeonguk bedroom but the elder remained persistent to even reply the broken boy who was crying his heart with every knock.

"jeonguk, i know you love me and i know you are as desperate as me to see you--- I'm here jeonguk please open the door" he cries, jeonguk cries as well he just siting by the door and could hear his love sweetest voice, and then he decided to do something which would make taehyung run away from him.

I give him nothing but pain, misery, tears, I ruined his life, he almost died because of me--- he doesn't deserve me--- he's angel and i--- i am devil who ruins life nothing else.

"taehyung just go away--- why you always come when I have clearly told you that to never show me your face" he yells and with words of his own he was dieing so was taehyung but he knew-- he knew it's jeonguk false words it's all lie

"bun---i know you are saying all this to make me leave right? Okay I leave but hear me out--- whatever happened with me, with you or with all of us--- it's not because of you--- it happened because it was written in our fate so please--- stop running away bun li---

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now