6: Glimpse

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Ignore the mistake please, I some how miss them even after thousands times of cross check, let's just say im dumb 😒😏

Author pov:

He pulled him more closer there was no gap between them, their breath were mingling with each other,their eyes were locked , jeonguk hand holding taes waist firmly while taehyung clunched his shoulder.

He pulled him more closer there was no gap between them, their breath were mingling with each other,their eyes were locked , jeonguk hand holding taes waist firmly while taehyung clunched his shoulder

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"why aren't you there down in the party hunh? He tuggg the few strands of taehyungs silver hair back to his ear, and said in his husky seductive voice.

" Your dad said you aren't well! what happened"? He asked with a concern, hell why I'm asking all this what the fuck jungkook, he thought

"I...I s-should go in my...in my room, p-lease let me g-go" taehyung tried to run but he failed miserably, when jeonguk held him even more tight, he was caged in a strong arm and there was no way he could escape.

"why you  always run away from me hmm"? stay with me" he whispered nuzzling his nose with taehyung's,jeonguk was surprised with his own behavior but he just wanted to live that moment.

Taehyungs breath hitched and his grip on jeonguk shoulder got more tight, Jeonguk kissed his cheeks and younger eyes got shut on its own in content,he bit his bottom lips as an unknown foreign feeling took over him, he felt as hundreds of butterflies are dancing in his stomach just with small peck on his cheeks? jeonguk state was no where different from taehyungs he was even in worst, the urge to hold taehyung in his arm, kiss his lips and claim him as his was the only thought popped up in his messed up mind, and of course to make him suffer! Yes he wants that too.

"P-Please stay away from me" Said taehyung,trying to push jeonguk away

"why should I"? jeonguk arched his eyebrows.

" because I hate you... I hate you... Leave me alone "
No he doesn't, he doesn't hate anyone he just born to love and to be loved but he's scared how he's melting with every touch of Jeonguk and he don't want that, that's why taehyung hit one on another on jeonguks chest with his tiny fist.
Jeonguk had enough and he held taehyung wrist halting from his weak attempt to get away.

"STOP, stop with this bratty behavior of yours, don't forget I haven't forgive you for the slap, here I'm being nice to you and look at you? being so salty ?"

He clenched taehyungs jaw, not so hard but yet he did, staring deep down to crystal clear blue eyes of younger which holds nothing but sadness, and tears that were streaming down to his cheek.

He let go of him when he couldn't stand to see those beautiful eyes in which he was being drowned.

"Where's Baekhyuns room? I need to clean my shirt"? His tone and attitude made taehyung confused, he sounded so cold and rude.

Taehyung remained quite, fiddling with his finger, and gaze set on the floor.

" I'm your guest, is this way you treat  them? is this what your Mom taught you"? I'm asking you something damn it where's Baekhyun room"?

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now