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You looked around the world of Hell. Nothing looked familiar. Nothing seemed to be what you were used to. The buildings all advertised drugs, hookers, and a manner of other services of Hell.

You felt sick to your stomach again as you walked back the way you felt you ran. You hoped it was the right direction.

It wasn't long before you felt eyes on you, from many different directions. You held your eyes to the ground, clenching your fists. It was hard not to look up to see who it was. But with your power out of your control, it was going to be hard not to make them look at you even more.

You heard footsteps behind you now. A slight shiver of panic went through your chest and you walked faster, your tail flicking a bit. It seemed to be getting into preparation to be used in defense against whatever it was that was following you.

You exhaled softly to calm yourself and looked around your surroundings. A sign was the main thing you saw. It appeared to be an overlord, purple head with a LOT of fluff. And hearts. They reminded you of Angel a little bit.

The footsteps sounded closer.

You couldn't help yourself, you turned around slightly and looked at your pursuer. You were baffled to see a tiny egg. And it didn't see to be paying you any heed.

In fact it ran right past you, but it did not get far. Quickly, a one-eyed demoness threw a small red bomb at the fleeing egg and it exploded into oblivion.

You flinched from the explosion, yellow gunk flinging onto you. Gross.

"That outta be the last of them. Goddamn snake, leaving his trash in my territory..." The fiery haired woman seemed to finally notice you, and you quickly looked to the ground.

"Oh shit, my bad. Hey... Hold on, are you [Y/N]?"

You jumped a bit at your name coming from a stranger, and were totally baffled by how she knew who you were. Keeping your eyes down, you gave a reply.

"Uh... Yeah. Do I know you or..?"

She gave a laugh. "Nah, I'm a friend of Angie's. Or, well, Angel Dust. He mentioned you, said you were a hell of a character."

You rolled your eyes. Yeah, that sounded like Angel. You wiped some of the gunk off. "Well, I'm glad you're a friend. I still don't know my way around here."

She kicked a bit of eggshell on the ground. You noticed she only had one boot. Odd. "Yeah, this is my turf so you should be decently okay. Can't make any promises though. So, what are you doing here? I thought Glitch Bitch had you locked up in that hotel, from what Angie was saying."

You snorted at the nickname, then broke into full laughter. "S-sorry, but Glitch Bitch?"

She laughed with you and lightly punched your arm. "You know, big spooky red guy, thinks he's the shit when really he just smells like shit. Isn't he like your owner or whatever?"

You were starting to wonder just how much Angel picked up on, and you were starting to catch on to the depth of the friendship between him and this mysterious woman.

"Well, no... Maybe, I don't know. I got stuck in a deal-"

She groaned. "Yeah, he's got you good. But from what Angel says he's sweet on you."

You felt a red blush creep onto your cheeks. "I doubt it... Hey, I never got your name?"

There was a small slap, and you assumed she face-palmed. "Duh! I'm Cherri Bomb." She held out her hand and you shook it.


"Nice to meet you, so, should I get you back to your Radio Daddy or what?"

You turned bright red and shoved her arm. "Oh shut up! But... yes, I have no idea where the hotel is."

Cherri laughed and linked her arm with yours, leading you down the street. "You really gotta get out more girl. Just get Angie to sneak you out and the three of us can raise some Hell together."

Funnily enough, the kind tone in her voice and the easy way you got along, you were beginning to think you'd finally found your place in this fiery pit.

"Yeah, I think I will, Cherri."


Cherri lead you up to the door of the hotel. Somehow you had managed to run straight away from it, and crossed into a maze of roads.

You waved goodbye to your newfound friend and she ran off. You turned to open the door and found it already open, Alastor standing there.

Oh fuck me....

"So, Miss [Y/N], have a fun time out with the delinquents?"

You finally were able to look up and you stared into his eyes. They didn't betray any of his emotions, and there was hardly any inflection in his voice. You chose your words carefully.

"Yes, I did in fact. Now if you excuse me..." You moved to push past him.

He let you by but grabbed your arm once you were safe inside, pulling you close to his body. He bent over, leaning his face close to yours, his eyes shifting to radio dials in his anger.

"Do. Not. Leave without me again. I will NOT lose you to the loathsome riff-raff roaming this inferno of suffering. I already had to save you from that bastard Vox, I will not be doing such a deed again because you decided to be flippant with your own life!"

You were shaking. It was barely there, but it was there. You wanted him to let go, and back OFF.

Your tattoos moved to your fingertips and you swiped his coat, yanking your other arm from his grasp. You backed away from him, crouching down in a defensive stance.

"Don't... Do that. I will not let you treat me like an object. I am so much more than that, I am woman. I am stronger than you will believe and I will not be beaten down anymore."

A fire burned in your eyes and in your chest, and you stared him down. You weren't shaking anymore, and you were ready to defend yourself against his scorn.

But he just stood there, staring. He was shocked. His jacket and shirt was cut, and you saw that you had nicked his chest. You could smell the blood.

He smile turned soft and he walked towards you, and you stiffened. He simply took your fingertips and kissed them. Then pulled you into his chest, holding you.

"My dear, I meant no harm in my words. I simply could not bear losing my most prized treasure."

Your eyes were wide at his soft tone and words, and the tattoos receded from your fingers. Slowly, you relaxed into his embrace, sighing softly.

"Sorry Al... I just couldn't handle that meeting. I couldn't talk about how I..."

"Died? Well my dear, sometimes death is only the beginning of the adventure, the start of your freedom."

You thought about his words and nodded some. You could definitely agree with the freedom part. You pulled away from him and looked up to his face. His smile was soft, and his eyes showed no anger.

You remembered how you changed to people's desires, and how Succubi could do so by will. You closed your eyes and tried to think of someone who had a desire for you to be taller...

Angel, he only desired men. You focused on Angel's desired body form, attempting to pull the height.

And it worked. You grew another 6 inches. You looked at Alastor and gave a cocky smile. He looked to be in awe.

"Goodness darling, have you been practicing?"

"Mm, no. Just had something I wanted bad enough to force my power to my will."

He cocked an eyebrow and tilted his head a bit. "And what is that my dear?"

You smiled and softly kissed his cheek. "Mm, just a taste of venison."

And Glitch Bitch glitched. And you laughed.

You had definitely found your place in Hell. It was your Atlantis, this hotel.

See My Heart, Not My Body {Alastor x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now