The End.

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However, after a moment of waiting, no blow came. You slowly opened your eyes and gasped.

You were surrounded by armed Angels, all staring down at you.

They were kneeling.

You looked around and saw bright white wings extended from your back, beautiful and full of holy power. You felt the dark tattoos disappearing from your skin and the color returning to your body.

It was refreshing. The feeling of life you didn't know you were missing, the hole of your existence now filled.

A soft smile went onto your face and a sigh escaped you. Suddenly a cloaked Angel stepped in front of you.

"Come now young one, you have done well. Rise again, and join us to Heaven. You have been redeemed."

You slowly blinked. Redeemed? You mean... That was possible? You looked back to the hotel, smiling. Charlie would be happy to know that it was a good goal. And Ala-


All of sudden everything crashed around you. Your heart felt as if it was being crushed by barbed wire, the pain of emotion absolutely crushing everything in your soul. You looked down to the cold and unresponsive Alastor, shivering and tears slipping from your eyes.

"I... I can't... Alastor he..."

The cloaked Angel nodded.

"A necessary sacrifice for your redemption. Though I know you must be hurting, Heaven will heal you. You won't even need this loathsome sinner anymore, and you will be free."

Something inside of you snapped and you turned to the Angel, baring your teeth at him, extending your wings and wrapping them around yourself and Alastor.

"Fuck you! Fuck you, you, you don't EVEN UNDERSTAND-" You felt your breathing run faster and you started yelling at the silent leader. "HE WAS SO KIND! He helped me! He held me! He never would have let me come to harm! And you, you all... YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME!"

You hid your face on Alastor's chest and sobbed, your entire body shaking.

"I didn't get a chance for anything like this in my life... I had to lie and cheat to even escape from Daniel... And here, I was free. I was loved. I just want him back... I want him safe. I want..."

A sigh came from the Angel.

"It seems you won't be coming, at least not easily. I do find your situation to be pitiful, your life was short and painful. And finally your second life's love was killed by your future kin. So I will share another secret of Heaven with you."

You looked up to him and blinked in surprise. "You would help me?"

He gave another soft sigh and drew a holy sword from his hilt. The edge of holy power left his voice as he kneeled next to you.

"I do not believe I am truly helping you, however I know we can save this man. But we could not bring you as well. The cost is high. Do you wish to know how?"

You nodded solemnly and laid Alastor down onto the ground, standing.

"I will do what I need to do to help him. I don't even want Heaven."

The Angel nodded and stood, touching your new wings. He seemed happy with them and shook his head.

"These will work. You must sacrifice your redemption to him to save his soul. It is painful and in order to ever have a chance to return to Angel, you must earn the respect of Heaven. I can give you a fair deal."

You stared at him, then glanced at his sword. It all clicked together.

He was going to remove your wings and redemption.

"I... Alright. What do I have to do?"

The Angel gave a grin. "You must ensure the success of this hotel, and that every demon who comes here reaches the grace of Heaven."

You were appalled. That was impossible! How could you ensure that all demons go?

"B-but... That will never end!"

The Angel looked up, as did the masked and armed others. Suddenly you heard a voice coming from above, and it sent a deep shock throughout your form.

"You must give her a chance Gabriel."

The cloaked Angel nodded. "Yes Father. You will need to redeem 100 demons then. Do you accept our wager?"

It felt so painstakingly impossible, but you couldn't give up. With this, you help Charlie and could return to Alastor eventually.

You sighed softly and nodded, holding out your hand. "I agree. Deal?"

He shook your hand. "Deal. Now turn around and crouch."

You started to shiver a bit and did as you were told, crouching in front of Alastor. You stared at him and slowly grabbed his hand.

"I don't know whether to apologize or thank you... But I will find my way back to you, I swear..." You whispered.

You felt movement behind you and closed your eyes.

The sword cut into the base of your new wings, cutting through cleanly and swiftly. It was followed by the most horrible and burning pain you had ever felt.

It felt as if acid was dripping through your very soul, tainting and destroying you. A stifled scream was all you could hear, as your ears were pounding. The dark tattoos started slipping back over your skin and Heaven's blessing left your soul.

You laid on the ground, gasping. Alastor  was lifted up by the angels, his jacket thrown off, landing next to you. You looked up weakly, seeing the angels attaching your removed wings to his back, saying soft prayers. You saw the demonic colors recede from his body, and his breathing started again.

They started to leave with him and you held up your hand, using all strength you had left you stood, staggering towards them.

"W-wait... wait I want... I want to say goodbye."

The cloaked Angel paused for a moment then nodded. "Fine, make it quick."

You walked to Alastor and held your hands on his cheeks, softly pressing your lips against his. "Just wait for me... I will be with you."

He was pulled away, and taken to the portal to heaven in the sky. You felt the tears slipping down your cheeks as you stared at them leaving.

All was quiet for a moment, other than the sounds of holy slaughter. You turned and grabbed Alastor's coat which was left behind. You could still feel the bumps where your wings once were, so you wrapped the tattered fabric around your shoulders to hide them.

You lifted a hand and wiped away the remaining tears and started for the entrance to the hotel. You had a job to do, and you wanted to do it as swiftly as possible.

As you opened the door, you looked back onto Hell, feeling your heart cold and closed to all. You had let someone in, and now he was gone. Your only focus now is returning to his side.

You shut the door, and began your journey to Heaven.

See My Heart, Not My Body {Alastor x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now