Warm Welcome

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A slight shiver worked its way through your chest. You weren't even sure why you were shivering, just that the thought the person you would be learning from is seemingly one of the most powerful demons in Hell.

Or at least, that's what you were assuming. He certainly seemed to hold a lot of respect.

And then, a slight thrill went through you, an unwelcome thought in your mind.

If he is the one teaching me, then he can teach me how to gain the respect he has. The power he has...

You quickly shook your head out, upsetting the delicate balance your head and horns had. You suddenly began to fall and utter panic filled your chest. You only had time to gasp and snap open your eyes to see Alastor's red ones, a little too close.

You took a moment to collect your thoughts, realizing you weren't falling anymore. Alastor now held you in a sort of dip, the ones in the movies that came before a lovey dovey kiss.

You felt a shiver running through your body, but not from your thoughts. You slowly recognized your body trying to change, but finding no desires to change to. You simply stared into his eyes for a moment longer, a soft blush working its way onto your cheeks.

His smile remained, but his eyes showed a bit of confusion. Suddenly you were spun up and around, back in a standing position, your arm in the air and your hand in his grasp. You took a moment to reassert yourself. You looked up again and quickly closed your eyes. His laugh rang out once more.

"My my! You need to be a bit more careful my dear, someone could have gotten hurt. Now then, should I show you to your room?"

He still hadn't let go of your hand, but he lowered your arm. You were still unsure of yourself and more than a little confused, so you simply gave a mute nod. You did need to figure it out, and being able to keep your eyes open would be nice.

"Wonderful! Just follow me my dear."

You felt his hand pull you in a specific direction and you followed, still confused and stumbling a bit as you couldn't see. You grew tired of this and just opened your eyes.

You were clear of the others that you had seen before, now in a long hallway. There were doors periodically on each side of you, and you smiled some. You weren't sure why you were smiling, or what there was to be smiling about, you simply found something here to smile about. You didn't notice Alastor looking back at you until he spoke.

"Ah, very good darling! You're never fully dressed without a smile, so glad you finally managed one!"

For some reason, you found this to be strangely funny and gave a small laugh.

"Yes, I suppose I did have to eventually. No one would want to see me undressed after all." You were surprised by his own laugh.

"Oh my dear you're mistaken! Do you know how many people would kill to get their hands on someone like you? A Succubus! It's a marvelous species really, fairly powerful. And the fact you can change how you look, the only thing giving you away being your color markings! It's remarkable really..."

You were unsure of how to feel about Alastor's words. It was nice to know more about what you were, but more than a little worrying to know that you're something people would kill over, and that Alastor seemed to hold a certain respect for Succubi.

He suddenly stopped, so sudden you nearly bumped into him. He gave a turn and gestured to a door. It was like every other one but this one had an emblazoned number 2 on it.

"Here we are! This will be your room."

He opened the door, revealing a room with a Queen size bed with some fairly adequate bed sheets and blankets. Nothing to scorn but nothing to brag about. There was a dresser, a bathroom, a closet, and a side table with a lamp. But other than that, not much.

"You can add your own taste of flair once you've settled in and made a name for yourself here. But for now, here it is! I do so hope you're going to be comfortable, I wouldn't want to have to reaccommodate you..."

His voice held a slightly sinister and threatening tone towards the end. It did its job, a shiver running down your spine. But you weren't going to be undone so easily, and you turned to him, your arms crossed. Those bright red eyes stared at you in confusion, the grin seemingly everlasting as always. He did seem a bit curious of your demeanor.

"Alright Alastor. What's the ace? What are you trying to do? And how are you immune to my powers?"

Somehow, Alastor's grin grew ever wider. You were slightly disturbed by it, but you didn't sense any ill intent. But you were a little more disturbed when he came closer to you, staring down at you.

This was going to end badly.

"Why my dear, you really don't know anything of your species at all do you? Well, no matter! I am always willing to help a poor lady in distress."

For some reason, you didn't think that was the whole truth. It just didn't agree with you, and yet somehow it did. He was here after all, helping Charlie. And judging by the few people that were in the common area, it seemed she needed it. So you simply looked up at him, not denying it but not agreeing either. For now.

"For your species, your body changes to conform to your target's desires. Since you can't seem to control it, it changes to whomever you look at's wants and desires! It is quite entertaining to watch..."

Alright, now you were a bit peeved. But you had to contain that.

"Alright. That doesn't answer why you're immune."

"Of course it does my dear! In order for you to change to someone's desires, they have to have desires, and I abandoned such trivial things years ago! Now, I should take my leave, and allow you to ah... Settle in."

Then he took your hand, placing a quick kiss on it before standing stock straight and laughing.

"Enjoy your stay darling! And always remember to stay tuned for the next time you can find your own entertainment."

And with that, he swept out of the room, leaving you alone. You stood there a moment, genuinely shocked by his actions. You quickly looked into the hallway, seeing if he was anywhere near.

He was nowhere to be seen. You gently shut the door and went to your bed, laying down at the center and staring up at the ceiling.

What the actual fuck was with that guy???

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