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It was time for the yearly cleanse. You were terrified, but calm. You knew no Angel could hurt you when you with Alastor, but at the same time you couldn't help but be afraid of the what if's...

Alastor had been dutiful to you. He made you meals, comforted you after nightmares, and played music for you. However, he hated showing the relationship in front of the hotel guests.

You didn't blame him. It could be harrowing dealing with the questions and gossip and staring... So when you were around others, you two acted as per usual. He was sarcastic and cold, and you were exasperated at his antics.

Though he never did use the deal against you again.

You and Alastor were helping place defenses up against the oncoming slaughter. He said it was always quite the show, and left to the roof. You wanted more time with him, so you followed.

He sat in a chair, staring up at the pentagram. He laughed softly when you approached him and turned, smiling at you.

"Couldn't resist the allure of a wondrous show beside me my dear?"

"Something like that." You replied, standing next to him and holding an arm over his shoulders. All was eerie calm, a deafening quiet settling over the city.

Bells rang out and a white light shined down from the center of the pentagram. Hundreds of angels rained down, wielding spears, swords, and some even guns. Though few had those.

It was morbidly beautiful. The dark figures rushed down onto those left roaming the streets. Quick and lethal, none could survive. The mix of red and white was a constant.

Alastor didn't appear to have a care in the world, smiling down at the carnage. You smiled softly, and took his hand. He looked up at you, a bit surprised.

"So [Y/N], does this not frighten you?"

"Well no, I've been here long enough to be used to the death and-"

He interrupted you. "Not the cleanse. This." He lifted your clasped hands. "Do I not frighten you?"

You remembered back to when you first fell. The warnings, the deal, the fear of him... No, it was totally gone now.

In response, you leaned in and kissed him. It wasn't a usual, short peck. It was a deep and full of feeling kiss. You hoped the answer would be obvious.

He gave a little laugh and started to respond, but then he was suddenly gone. A white glow covered the entrance to the hotel. His red glow wasn't even enough to cover the holy light.

There was a sickening sound and Alastor gave a grunt, moving back slightly. There was a sickly dark red liquid staining his coat.

Your heart dropped to your stomach. Blood. There was a holy spear jammed through his chest, the tip mere inches from piercing your own. Alastor coughed and the radio interference sounds were overbearing. The angel was roughly ripped away by tendrils of darkness.

Without the angelic glow your anxiety softened, until Alastor collapsed to his knees, coughing up ichor like blood.

You rushed to him, breathing heavily. Panic was filling your chest.

"Alastor?! Are you okay?" You lifted him and held him against your chest, removing the spear with a tug. His breathing was ragged and he was sweating. He looked weak.

That was the most terrifying part.

You felt tears entering your eyes and your breathing grew desperate. "No, no no no no no you can't do this Alastor. Not to me. Not now. Please please please."

He softly lifted his hand to your cheek, wiping away the tears. What he couldn't catch landed on his chest.

"Hush now my dear... What have I always told you? You must smile... That is your power." He smiled, his own blood staining it horribly in your mind. "Smile for me my dear. It was always a light for me in this cesspool."

You felt your heart breaking into a million pieces, sobs racking your chest. But you tried to comply, giving a soft, weak smile.

"Yes, yes my dear... Now let us see what the next step is for a horrid sinner like me..." He closed his eyes, still holding that ever-present smile.

Your sobs grew louder and you held him close. "No, no please don't leave me. Please please I need you, I can't survive here alone, please." You held your head in the crook of his shoulder. "I... I love you... Please I can't loose you."

Suddenly, white Holy Light surrounded you. Perhaps you would be reunited with him soon. You closed your eyes tight and prepared for your second, killing blow.

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