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The staredown continued for a few moments more, neither of you relenting to the other. Before his grin widened ever more. He always had that southern shit eater grin. The one that said, "I'm better, smarter, will live longer, and I know it". His demeanor softened and he relaxed slightly. You weren't sure how to react to this. It was very... Unusual. His voice as well was softer, less... Radio-y.

"Alright my dear... Fine. You may aid me in cleaning my wounds. You can't aid with anything more however."

A strange humming, very quiet, slightly entered the room. You didn't like it, or the way he worded what he said. The way he said it either. So you left your response off as a question.

"That sounds... Ominously agreeable? But what would you get from it?"

He held his hand out to you, his eyes lighting with power and greed.

"I would get something I wanted. So it's a deal then?"

A green burst surrounded the two of you, the light reflecting through his eyes, showing his true and utter nature. Greedy. Sadistic. Intelligent.

It sent a spike of fear down your spine, but beneath that, a deep, dark, and almost forgotten desire for that power.

You needed that power. You needed that respect. And you were going to get it.

Great achievement involves great risk right? So maybe, just maybe, you could take this one. A grin appeared on your face and you nodded, taking and shaking his hand.

"It's a deal."

The green all gathered up, surrounding your connected hands. Holding a moment before disappearing entirely. You quickly released his hand, knowing of his disdain for touch. At least touch he didn't enact. You looked to his face to say something but were stunned for a moment, the alcohol forgotten in your hands.

His grin was very wide, his eyes more than a little confused, but pleased. When he spoke, he spoke slowly, almost as if choosing his words very carefully. He could not seem to find the correct ones.

"Ah... Miss [Y/N]... How much... Do you know of me..?"

You were a little stumped. You had to admit all you knew is he was a respected and feared demon, but you had no idea why, or what he was capable of. To dely answering, you take the alcohol and wet a paper towel, cleaning his shoulder. He gave a small hiss at the touch. It seemed he was injured a fair bit. But the look in his eyes said you were not off the hook from his questioning. Oh no, far from it. So, you heaved a sigh and admitted your truth.

"I... Don't actually know much other than that you are feared by the other demons. Saw a poster the day I fell, it said 'Beware the Radio Demon', and I knew you had to powerful. You could imagine how fucked I thought I was when I saw you open the door..."

You gave a small laugh, finishing the shoulder wound and moving to his cheek, lightly touching the burn with the alcoholed paper towel.

He flinched away, his eyes flickering back and forth between the dials and his eyes. You felt remorse for hurting him, but you knew that was utterly ridiculous. You had seen him earlier, that was not something to pity or care for. So you put on your best poker face and continued to clean the burn.

He didn't flinch after that. Just closed his eyes and hummed a tune you couldn't recognize. You could tell it hurt him however, because his fingers would tap faster when it did.

You finished and gave a soft sigh, looking at the various other cuts and gashes. Oh this was not going to be fun... Dammit. You looked up at him with some slight remorse and rubbed the back of your neck.

"Uh... Alastor, there's a lot of cuts and uh... Oh fuck it, I need you to take off your shirt for me to finish cleaning all of your wounds."

He just stared at you for a moment. He actually seemed to just be frozen. But after a moment a wave of mischeif entered his eyes, only for a second, and then he looked away, almost in a bashful manner. But that couldn't be right at all. Alastor? Bashful? No, he was up to something. And you didn't like it.

But you couldn't find it in yourself to press it... You just veered away from questioning him and just waited for his response.

"... Well I suppose we did make a deal... And I always stick by my deals..."

So, the all powerful Radio Demon undressed for you. He took off his jacket, which was in dire need of a cleaning and some stitching, and then his under shirt, which was much the same. You took the shirts, making plans to talk to Niffty, she wouldn't mind doing a favor for Alastor. She seemed to like him well eno-

You stared.

You had turned back to him after putting the shirts to the side, and you now saw him. He was still very skinny and tall, and yet... Somehow muscular. He was bloody from several wounds on his body, but he was covered in scars from past injuries. You assumed from fights like he had to bring you back.

You stared a moment longer before clearing your throat and wetting another paper towel with alcohol, then cleaning the various cuts and burns on his body.

He didn't wince any longer, instead just watched you, with those fucking eyes and that shit eater grin. You mostly knew he couldn't feel much pain...

But that finger still tapped at times.

The silence was becoming overbearing, you just couldn't handle it. So, you tried to start conversation.

"Um... Where did the scars come from?"

He gave a laugh, startling you some, which made you accidently press onto one of his wounds. He gave a soft grunt at the sudden pain but still remained smiling, though his voice was a little strained when he spoke.

"My dear, why do you ask? It's of no importance, nor is any of my past. Why don't I ponder into yours by chance?"

You rolled your eyes at his attempt to switch roles of the conversation. You were almost willing to talk to him about yourself, almost. But you knew if you kept pushing, you would get something out of this.

You just wish you knew whether it would be good or bad...

"No, sorry Al. I asked first. So therefore, I get the answer. Come on, can't be that bad. I can help."

He shook his head, wincing as the movement ached sore muscles and torn skin. But as always, the smile remained.

"Oh no no, no I simply couldn't ask it of you my dear. Really, I don't need help with my scars... I can deal with the past."

His hand lightly touches some scars on his chest, his smile turning tight.

Your heart, for some strange reason, ached. And that wasn't smart. He was lethal, intelligent, and compelling, you can't afford to let him get to you.

And yet...

You couldn't seem to be unable to care. You couldn't ignore this obvious painful past. You couldn't help but want to help him.

And that was very strange indeed...

"Alastor, I can help you. I will help you. Help you to feel and grow and learn and amazing other shit things here in Hell. I can be here for you! And I will be here to just... Clean up your mess." You gave a small laugh, hearing the idiocy in your own voice, then blinking at his expression.

He looked a little shocked, and his smile was closed mouth and small, barely even there. But that only lasted for a second as he quickly shook his head out and gave a large grin, snapping. Green light closed around your throat, not cutting off your breath, a string of light going from the collar to his hand. He closed his hand around it, grinning.

What in the hell? What is this? He starts to speak, an edge of humor in his voice. It made what he said all the more grating.

"Sorry my dear! It seems I have come in favor of our deal. So quickly too! But as the deal states, I get something I want. And I now own you as my personal assistant! Isn't that just lovely? Oh it will be so entertaining watching all of this..."



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