Radio Disruption

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You take a step back, terror appearing on your face as you slowly look up at the Radio Demon. He looked down at you with that wide and pointed grin, cocking his head to the side.

"Well hello there my dear! Now what might you need on this fine evening?"

His voice sounded almost... Staticy. Or like it was coming from an old timey radio. You had no words, but you couldn't run. You stared into those multiple shaded red eyes with horror and, if we're being honest, slight annoyance. You see the one demon everyone's afraid of in the one place you can find to stay? That's just fucking great.

His strange voice ringing out rocked you from your thoughts. "Excuse me? Is this thing on?" He gave his staff a tap and you were shocked at it speaking.

"Of course I'm on, she just can't seem to listen!"

He gave the staff a wry smile before turning back to you, awaiting your answer.

You figured the best way to get out of this one would be to try and get on his good side.

"U-um... Hi, my name is [Y/N] and I... I don't know where I am or... Or what I am..." You put a waver in your voice, hoping to elict some sort of pity.

How wrong you were.

He gave a long, strange laugh in that radio tone of his and gave you another grin. "Why my dear, you're in none other than Hell! And you appear to be... Hmm..."

He leaned closer to you, studying your face, then walked around you, scrutinizing your body. You resisted the urge to shove him away. You didn't expect for your tail to do anything. You still didn't know how to control it. So you really didn't expect it when it tried to stab the tall deer demon.

Not that it did much, as your tail was held tight in his clawed hand instantly. You gave a sharp gasp at the strange feeling that went through you, feeling your cheeks redden.

Not possible... Were you feeling... Pleasure?

Alastor looked at you, confusion in his eyes for only a moment, before he nodded slowly. "And it seems that I now know what you are as well. You're a Succubus."

You gaped at him. You knew what a Succubus was, and you can't even believe that was what you were.

"What? A succubus? Why? How?"

He gave a shrug, releasing your tail and standing up stock-straight. "Who knows! But, you may be able to stay here, if you try to redeem yourself." He said the words with an edge of humor that you didn't understand. He turned to re-enter the hotel. You panicked slightly at being left alone here, even despite your fear of this demon.

"Uh, w-wait! I-I'll try to redeem myself! Please, please can I come in?"

He turned to you slightly, his thin smile turning to a toothy grin as his red eyes began to glow with light.

"Why of course my dear. It's so rude to leave a lady on the doorstep after all." And he continued inside.

You took this as an invitation to enter with him, and follow behind. You hoped that the people in there wouldn't be so bad... You needed a break from Hell already.

Though you hadn't decided if Hell was better or worse than life yet...

You walked in behind the tall demon, seeing several demons sitting in there. They looked at you and waved. You took the time to look at all of their faces.

And you felt your body changing, like it had before, and panic filled your chest. A collective gasp filled the room, and you felt fear.

Fucking great first impression, isn't it?

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