Curtains Closed

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You were laying in bed. You needed to get up for the day's activity, sharing the sins.

Your hands were shaking slightly, and you tightened them into fists to still it. All it was is sharing what you did wrong, that's all.

But why was there that constant shiver in your chest? The all too familiar shiver of fear, and guilt. It was as if there were vines slithering and tightening in your chest.

A melodic knock spooked you out of your thought.


Alastor's voice rang through the door. "Hello hello my dear, time to get up and ready for the day!"

You groaned and flopped the blankets over your head. "Just another ten minutes Al..."

You heard the slight sounds of someone appearing next to you, and the blanket was pulled off of you in a flurish, luckily you were clothed. A big baggy shirt you had found.

You yelped and gave Alastor a slight glare. "I could have been naked under there you know."

"My dear, I believe we both know that would have no effect or care on my mind. Now, up you get, you need to get dressed and ready!"

Another groan escaped you as he pulled you up by your arms. "Come onnnn Al, do I really have to?"

"Yes indeed you do, that is the deal of the Hotel. You may stay, but you just work towards," He gave a wide hand flourish. "Redemption."

You sighed and went to the closet, pulling out a light gray hoodie you had bought as well as some comfy shorts.

Alastor watched you with mild interest, as well as some slight disappointment. "Dear, is there anything else you might choose? That clothing seems to be a bit less that what is deserving of your stature."

You turned to him and gave him the face of 'does it look like I give a fuck'.

He rolled his eyes and snapped once, the hoodie turning red and decorated with his trademark smile.

You turned and flipped him off, changing in the bathroom, listening to his laugh the entire time. God he could be a prick.

You changed quickly, walking out and stretching. "Alright, same room?"

"The very same darling." He offered his hand to you.

You looked at him incredulously, but he wouldn't meet your eyes, facing forward and holding a tight lipped smile.

You lightly put your hand into his, and he started walking. "Don't forget to close your eyes."

You did so, your heart thumping a bit. You half thought he would walk you into a pillar or something. But he kept you steady, walking you to the room easily and with care.

This was very unlike him, and you were absolutely suspicious. You tried keeping your senses on high alert so you didn't ram into a pillar.

He stopped into the room and gently leads you down into a seat. You were weirded out and you peaked open your eyes.

You were sitting in the seat you had been last time and Alastor sat where you had run him off to in the last meeting. The others start filing in, and you close your eyes.

You heard a huff and a smack of someone plopping into a chair. "Why do I have to be here if Angel isn't?" You recognized the sickly sweet whining voice. It was Candi.

She never was rude to you, or anyone else really unless they came near Angel. But you could guess Angel wasn't here from her grumbling.

You heard a soft hiss and the chair next to you squeaked. Oh god it was the snake.

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